
Why is the strong nuclear force repulsive?

Why is the strong nuclear force repulsive?

The strong force needs to be very intense to hold the protons together in such a small volume. The electromagnetic repulsion takes place within the nucleus between like electric charges. These charges are carried by the protons, whose close proximity to each other intensifies this repulsive force.

Is the strong nuclear force attractive repulsive or both explain?

The nuclear force is always attractive, the electromagnetic always repulsive in the nucleus. The distance comes in because the closer charged nucleons approach, the largest the repulsion, the strongest the attraction, the balance depends on the strengths and the distance.

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Can the strong force repel?

The strong force acts on both neutrons and protons, so it isn’t a force affiliated with the electric charge. The repulsive Coulomb force between protons is long-ranged. This means that two protons will be repelled from one another over relatively large distances. However, the nuclear strong force is short-ranged.

Can weak nuclear force be repulsive?

The weak nuclear force is neither attractive or repulsive.

What causes the strong nuclear force?

The strong nuclear force is created between nucleons by the exchange of particles called mesons. As long as this meson exchange can happen, the strong force is able to hold the participating nucleons together. The nucleons must be extremely close together in order for this exchange to happen.

Why nuclear forces are non central?

The force between two nucleons does not act along the line joining their centers. This shows that nucleons in the nucleus is not spherically symmetric. These forces do not obey inverse square law. The magnitude of nuclear force depends on the direction of spin of nucleons.

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Can electrostatic force be repulsive?

The electric force between charged bodies at rest is conventionally called electrostatic force or Coulomb force. If the charges have the same sign, the electrostatic force between them is repulsive; if they have different signs, the force between them is attractive.

Under what conditions does the strong nuclear force overcome electric forces in the nucleus?

Nuclear energy released by nuclear reactions is used as an alterative source of energy. Under what conditions does the strong nuclear force overcome electric forces in the nucleus? Over very short distances, the strong nuclear force is much greater than the electric forces among protons.

Can the strong nuclear force repel?

Strong Nuclear Force: Two positive charges repel each other because of the electromagnetic force, so the strong nuclear force lives up to its name by overcoming the intense repulsion between similarly charged particles that coexist in the nucleus of atoms.

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What are nuclear forces explain different conditions for nuclear stability?

The nuclear force (or nucleon–nucleon interaction or residual strong force) is a force that acts between the protons and neutrons of atoms. This repulsive component is responsible for the physical size of nuclei, since the nucleons can come no closer than the force allows.

Can a positive force be both attractive and repulsive?

If the particles are both positively or negatively charged, the force is repulsive; if they are of opposite charge, it is attractive. Unlike the gravitational force however, the Coulomb (or electric) force may be either attractive or repulsive, depending on the signs of the charges and .