
Why is there so much conflict in the Balkans?

Why is there so much conflict in the Balkans?

The Balkan Wars had their origin in the discontent produced in Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece by disorder in Macedonia. The Young TurkRevolution of 1908 brought into power in Constantinople (now Istanbul) a ministry determined on reform but insisting on the principle of centralized control.

What made Balkan a region of conflict Class 10?

The Balkan region became part of the conflict because of the Ottoman Empire occupation in the region, where the idea of nationalism was rising. The Ottoman Empire was powerless to suppress the nationalism of its ethnic peoples. Due to the lack of reform and power in the Balkan region led to war in 1912 and 1913.

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Why did the Balkan region became the source of tension and conflict?

Explanation: Balkan region was a source of tension because of the following reasons: (1) It was a region of geographical, ethnic variation comprising Romania, Bulgaria, etc:and its inhabitants were broadly known as Slavs. (4) The Balkan states were fiercely jealous of each other & hoped to gain territory.

What are the three causes of conflict in the Balkan area after 1871?

Spreading of ideas of romantic nationalism along with historical notions of independence. Disintegration of the Ottoman Empire which was a stabilising force in the region. Conflicting ambitions of Balkan nationalities which hoped to gain more territory at the expense of others.

How did Balkans become the reason for First World War?

(i) The spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism in the Balkans together with the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire made this region very explosive. (ii) The Balkan area became an area of intense conflict as different Slavic nationalities struggled for their independence.

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What is Balkan how it became an intense area of conflict and led to the First World War?

The Balkan region comprised the present day territories of Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro. The region, thus, became a center of conflict and aggression finally leading to the outbreak of the First World War.

What were the reasons for intense tension in Balkans region in the year 1871?


  • the spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism.
  • the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire that had previously ruled over this area.
  • different Slavic communities in the balkans begin to strive for independent rule.