
Why SO2 is a better reducing agent than TeO2?

Why SO2 is a better reducing agent than TeO2?

i) Sulphur dioxide is reducing agent because sulphur has d-orbital so it can easily expand its oxidation state +4 to +6 and thus behave as reducing agent. in the case of TeO2, Te is a heavier element and due to inert pair effect, the Te does expand its oxidation state +4 to +6.

Why is SO2 more acidic than SO3?

Which is more acidic, SO3 or SO2? – Quora. SO3 Because it has a higher oxidative state than SO2. SO2 is formed naturally by volcanic activity. It can also be formed by the combustion of coal or petroleum or other minerals containing sulfur, along with smelting metals and other industrial processes.

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Which is more acidic CO2 or SO2?

Thus water is least acidic. From left to right of the periodic table the oxides acidic nature increases.

Is TeO2 reducing agent?

Down the group, stability of +4 oxidation state decreases due to inner pair effect. Thus, Te in $Te{O_2}$ will not attain higher oxidation state and hence, will not be a reducing agent.

Is SO2 an acid?

Sulphur dioxide is an acidic gas and this can easily be demonstrated by adding water and a few drops of universal indicator to a container of the gas. The resulting acid is the weakly dibasic acid sulphurous acid (H2SO3).

Is SO2 acidic or basic?

Sulphur dioxide is an acidic gas and this can easily be demonstrated by adding water and a few drops of universal indicator to a container of the gas.

Which is more stable SO2 or SO3?

The formation of sulphur trioxide from sulphur dioxide is exothermic and spontaneous at room temperature and pressure. That makes sulphur trioxide more stable in the standard definition of the word stability.

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Is SO2 a Lewis acid or base?

Originally Answered: Is SO2 a Lewis acid or base? Hence sulphur being deficient in electrons can accept a pair of electrons. Hence SO2 is a Lewis acid.

Is Al2O3 or CO2 more acidic?

Answer: Al2O3 is more acidic in nature.

How is TeO2 an oxidising agent?

But in TeO2. Te is heaver element. electrons are reluctant to take part in bond formation due to poor shielding of d- and f-orbitals thus lower oxidation states (+2, -2) becomes more stable( inert pair effect) and hence TeO2 is oxidising agent.

Why does SO2 acts as oxidising and reducing agent?

In SO2 the oxidation state of sulphur is +4, it can lose its two more electron to attain +6 oxidation state. Since it has a capability to lose and gain electron therefore it acts as oxidizing as well as reducing agents.