
Why we need pull up resistors for I2C?

Why we need pull up resistors for I2C?

Why is a pull-up resistor used in I2C? Because there are only 2 logic level outputs from I2C, Low and open circuit. The default condition is all chips on the line are in open circuit mode, and the pull-up resistor makes the line high. The master chip can send an address signal to one of the chips on the line.

What is I2C connection?

I2C stands for Inter-Integrated Circuit. It is a bus interface connection protocol incorporated into devices for serial communication. It was originally designed by Philips Semiconductor in 1982. Recently, it is a widely used protocol for short-distance communication. It is also known as Two Wired Interface(TWI).

What condition is required when more than one master connected with the I2C bus?

Arbitration is required in the case of a multi-master, where more than one master is tried to communicate with a slave simultaneously. In I2C arbitration is achieved by the SDA line. For Example, Suppose two masters in the I2C bus try to communicate with a slave simultaneously and assert a start condition on the bus.

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Why external pull up resistance is used in I2C Mcq?

Explanation: At physical layer, both SCL and SDA lines are of open drain design, thus pull up resistors are needed. Explanation: There are several operating modes for I2C communication. All are compatible in that the 100 kbit/s standard mode is always used.

Why do we need a pull-up resistor?

In electronic logic circuits, a pull-up resistor or pull-down resistor is a resistor used to ensure a known state for a signal. A pull-up resistor effectively establishes an additional loop over the critical components, ensuring that the voltage is well-defined even when the switch is open.

Why is I2C important?

I2C facilitates communication between electronic components or integrated circuits, whether the components are on the same PCB or connected with a cable.

Is it possible to have multiple I2C masters If yes what is required to make this work?

The I2C component is an ideal solution when networking multiple devices on a single board or small system. The system can be designed with a single master and multiple slaves, multiple masters, or a combination of masters and slaves.

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Is it possible to have multiple masters in I2C explain your answer with reason?

There are I2C environments where multiple masters are driving the bus. If two devices start to communicate at the same time the one writing more zeros to the bus (or the slower device) wins the arbitration and the other device immediately discontinues any operation on the bus.

What does I2C stand for MCQ?

a) inter-IC. b) intra-IC. c) individual integrated chip. d) intel IC. Explanation: The I2C is known as inter-IC, which is developed by Philips for interfacing with the peripheral devices.

Why does the I2C interface use an open-collector/open-drain output?

Originally Answered: Why does the I2C interface use an open-collector/open-drain output given that it slows down the throughput and requires a pull-up resistor? The I2C bus has a single clock line and a single data line.

How do pull-up resistors work in I²C devices?

Any I²C device can only drive low on these I²C lines or tristate them. To obtain a logic high, the pull-up resistors are required to pull them to the voltage rail during a tristate condition. When the device is driving low, these pull-up resistors draw current via the NMOS as shown in Figure 6.

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What is pullup resistance in ICS?

A strong pullup (small resistor) prevents the I2C pin on an IC from being able to drive low. The VOL level that can be read as a valid logical low by the input buffers of an IC determines the minimum pullup resistance [RP(min)]. RP(min) is a function of VCC, VOL (max), and IOL:

How to configure the I2C pins for alternate functions?

Enable the I2C CLOCK and GPIO CLOCK 2. Configure the I2C PINs for ALternate Functions a) Select Alternate Function in MODER Register b) Select Open Drain Output c) Select High SPEED for the PINs d) Select Pull-up for both the Pins e) Configure the Alternate Function in AFR Register 3. Reset the I2C 4.