
Why work done in reversible process is greater than irreversible process?

Why work done in reversible process is greater than irreversible process?

The reason why more work is done by the system in a reversible process than an irreversible process is entropy is generated within the gas in an irreversible process. Whenever entropy is generated within the system there is a lost opportunity for the system to perform useful work.

Why reversible process gives maximum work?

The work done in the reversible process is maximum, due to the loss of very little heat to the surrounding. It means that the energy released by the reversible process will do the maximum amount of work because the smaller amount of energy is lost in the form of heat.

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Why is irreversible work less than reversible?

The key feature why the irreversible work is smaller than the reversible work is the magnitude of the external pressure against which the irreversible work is done against. If you were to increase the external pressure by a factor of two then the irreversible work would be greater.

Which work done is more reversible or irreversible?

So reversible work done is always more than any irreversible work done. Because these frictional losses can not be recovered in irreversible process and there are no frictional losses in reversible process.

What is reversible and irreversible work in thermodynamics?

Reversible & Irreversible Work Reversible work means that the entire system (including the surrounding system) can be returned to the starting state. Irreversible work means that we can only bring the piston back to the starting state if we change the surrounding system. True reversible work only occurs theoretically.

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Why is reversible work less than irreversible?

What are the differences between reversible and irreversible changes?

A change which cannot happen backward, that is, it cannot be reversed is called an irreversible change….Difference between physical and chemical changes.

Physical changes Chemical changes
Mostly reversible changes. All are irreversible changes.
A new substance is not formed. A new substance is formed.