
Why would managers sometimes accept negative NPV projects?

Why would managers sometimes accept negative NPV projects?

Sometimes projects seem to have a negative NPV because the investment doesn’t make anything better; rather, it keeps from making something worse. If a roof isn’t replaced, it will leak and eventually the company will need to close the facility. Or worse, the roof collapses, resulting in litigation.

Would you ever recommend a project that had a negative NPV?

What is the Net Present Value Rule? The net present value rule is the idea that company managers and investors should only invest in projects or engage in transactions that have a positive net present value (NPV). They should avoid investing in projects that have a negative net present value.

Under what conditions might the shareholders of a firm be willing to invest in negative NPV projects?

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The authors claim that some circumstances justify investments with a negative Net Present Value, as they still produce maximum possible shareholder value. The three model situations where this takes place are: (1) tax on dividends; (2) shareholders’ perception of risk; and (3) temporary inefficiency of the markets.

Why is a negative NPV bad?

NPV discounts each inflow and outflow to the present, and then sums them to see how the value of the inflows compares to the other. A positive NPV means the investment is worthwhile, an NPV of 0 means the inflows equal the outflows, and a negative NPV means the investment is not good for the investor.

Why is negative NPV good?

Why is NPV negative?

A higher discount rate places more emphasis on earlier cash flows, which are generally the outflows. When the value of the outflows is greater than the inflows, the NPV is negative.

Why do positive NPV projects exist?

A positive NPV indicates that the projected earnings generated by a project or investment—in present dollars—exceeds the anticipated costs, also in present dollars. It is assumed that an investment with a positive NPV will be profitable. An investment with a negative NPV will result in a net loss.

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What should occur when a projects net present value is determined to be negative?

A accept all projects with cash inflows exceeding initial cost. What should occur when a project’s net present value is determined to be negative? A The discount rate should be decreased.