
Will Luffy beat both Big Mom and Kaido in Wano?

Will Luffy beat both Big Mom and Kaido in Wano?

Luffy will eventuallybecome the strongest pirate by beating the yonkous. Now about beating Kaidou and bigmom, he will beat kaidou for sure but not for Bigmom. Since he is planning to bring Kaidou down first he won’t attack Bigmom.

Can Luffy beat Kaido now?

On a serious note, Luffy will definitely defeat Kaido, otherwise we wouldn’t have a story to enjoy. Luffy at least developed the necessary strength to put up a decent fight against Kaido. He still needs to improve since he failed to defeat Kaido for now at least based on what we’ve seen in chapter 1013.

How do they beat Luffy zombie?

Kuma watches from the collapsing mansion. Oars recovers and tries to use a Gomu Gomu no Bullet, but Nightmare Luffy uses a sword to cut through the large zombie.

Who defeated Big mom in one piece?

However, Du Feld’s unconscious body leans on the Tamatebako and pushes it off the Chateau, to Stussy and Morgans’ shock. Meanwhile, Luffy declares he will defeat Big Mom after he takes down Kaidou as he attacks Big Mom with a two-armed strike.

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Who defeated Big Mom one piece?

However, Du Feld’s unconscious body leans on the Tamatebako and pushes it off the Chateau, to Stussy and Morgans’ shock. Meanwhile, Luffy declares he will defeat Big Mom after he takes down Kaidou as he attacks Big Mom with a two-armed strike.

Can Luffy beat Big Mom?

No Luffy will not fight big Mom, this arc is all about escaping sanji from the big mom territory… General Biscuit and Katakuri was in the way so that is why Luffy had to fight them, other wise luffy had no intentions to fight anyone…

How did Moria lose?

Moria has a lot of experience, having fought many opponents in the past, including an Emperor. He is a good battle tactician, being able to outsmart even Nico Robin. However, his overconfidence and laziness made him underestimate his opponents, and ultimately led to his defeat at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates.