
Is a multiple of an odd number is always odd?

Is a multiple of an odd number is always odd?

Correct answer: Thus, n + 1 and m + 1 are both odd. When two odd numbers are multiplied together, the result is always an odd number. Thus (n + 1)(m + 1) must be an odd number. Because n and m are even, when we multiply two even numbers together, we always get an even number.

Are odd numbers multiples?

Odd numbers are not the multiples of 2. For example, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, ……., 51, 53, ……., etc., cannot be obtained by multiplying 2 by any other number. Hence, odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.

Is the product of any two odd number an odd number?

The product of two odd numbers is an odd number. Let m and k be any integers. This means that 2m+1 and 2k+1 are odd numbers.

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Is it true that every multiple of 7 is odd?

No, every multiple of 7 is not odd. Even numbers are numbers that are divisible by 2, and odd numbers are numbers that are not divisible by 2, and…

Are all multiples of 3 Odd?

Are the multiples of 3 always odd? No, the multiples of 3 are not always odd. For example 6, 12, and 18 are even numbers and are multiples of 3. When 3 is multiplied by an even number, the product will be an even number.

Is a multiple of 7?

Here is a longer list of multiples of 7: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91 and 98, 105, 112, 119, 126, 133, 140, 147, 154, 161, 168, 175, 182, 189, 196, 203, 210, 217, 224, 231, 238, 245, 252, 259, 266, 273, 280, 287, 294, 301, 308, 315, 322, 329, 336, 343, 350.

Is every multiple of three odd?

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Are multiple of 4 always even?

4. Are multiples of 4 always even? Explain. Yes because multiples of even numbers are always even.

Why is multiple of 4 always even?

The multiples of 4 are numbers that can be divided by four exactly, leaving no remainder. The answers to the four times table are the first few multiples of 4. For example 3 × 4 = 12 and so, the third multiple of four is 12. Multiples of 4 are all even and always end in the digits of 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0.