
How do you assess a patient with difficulty breathing?

How do you assess a patient with difficulty breathing?

Observe the patient for important respiratory clues:

  1. Check the rate of respiration.
  2. Look for abnormalities in the shape of the patient’s chest.
  3. Ask about shortness of breath and watch for signs of labored breathing.
  4. Check the patient’s pulse and blood pressure.
  5. Assess oxygen saturation.

What should you ask the patient to do after inhaling medication?

Ask patient to tilt head back slightly and inhale deeply and slowly through mouth, while simultaneously depressing inhaler canister. Ask patient to hold breath for about 10 seconds without exhaling medication. Remove MDI while exhaling through nose or pursed lips.

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What is the first medication that should be administered to a patient experiencing chest pain and difficulty breathing?

Nitroglycerin sublingual tablets are used to treat episodes of angina (chest pain) in people who have coronary artery disease (narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart). It is also used just before activities that may cause episodes of angina in order to prevent the angina from occurring.

When assessing a patient’s pulse you note that it is irregular to get an accurate heart rate you would?

If the pulse is irregular, count the rate for a full 60 seconds. This will give you the patient’s heart rate over 1 minute.

How should the nurse position a patient when they are experiencing dyspnea?

Patients who experience dyspnoea when they are walking should be encouraged to adopt a position that allows good lung expansion; for example, leaning against a wall, resting their head on raised arms or leaning over a banister.

How do you Nebulize a patient?

How to use a nebulizer

  1. Wash your hands well.
  2. Connect the hose to an air compressor.
  3. Fill the medicine cup with your prescription.
  4. Attach the hose and mouthpiece to the medicine cup.
  5. Place the mouthpiece in your mouth.
  6. Breathe through your mouth until all the medicine is used.
  7. Turn off the machine when done.
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What should be assessed before and after inhalation?

Assess pulse, respiratory rate, breath sounds, pulse oximetry, and peak flow measurement (if ordered) before beginning treatment. This determines a baseline respiratory assessment prior to administration of medication. 9.

Why would an EMT give aspirin to a patient?

Aspirin is a common anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant that may reduce the risk and size of a myocardial infarction. EMTs are authorized to administer a 325 mg aspirin tablet to patients with signs of acute coronary syndrome.

What is the most important medication that should be administered to a patient experiencing ischemic chest pain?

Medications to treat myocardial ischemia include: Aspirin. A daily aspirin or other blood thinner can reduce your risk of blood clots, which might help prevent blockage of your coronary arteries.

What pulse site is commonly used when the EMT elects to palpate a blood pressure?

The standard for blood pressure cuff placement is the upper arm using a cuff on bare skin with a stethoscope placed at the elbow fold over the brachial artery. The patient should be sitting, with the arm supported at mid heart level, legs uncrossed, and not talking.

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What steps are necessary in order to build a good rapport with your elderly patients?

Use proper form of address. Establish respect right away by using formal language.

  • Make older patients comfortable.
  • Take a few moments to establish rapport.
  • Try not to rush.
  • Avoid interrupting.
  • Use active listening skills.
  • Demonstrate empathy.
  • Avoid medical jargon.
  • What nursing measures should the nurse use to manage the patients dyspnea?

    Dyspnoea can be very frightening for patients and may result in increased anxiety, causing them to become more breathless. Nursing intervention can break this cycle. Allowing time with breathless patients, talking calmly to them and instructing them to breathe slowly, and breathing with them, can be highly effective.