
How do you use cross line in a sentence?

How do you use cross line in a sentence?

: to go beyond what is proper or acceptable Her criticism crossed the line from helpful to just plain hurtful. The magazine crossed the line when they printed the nude photos.

What does cross a line mean?

(idiomatic) To overstep a boundary, rule, or limit; to go too far or do something unacceptable. I can tolerate a lot, but they really crossed the line when they broke the window.

What do you call someone who crosses the line?

A strikebreaker (sometimes called a scab, blackleg, or knobstick) is a person who works despite an ongoing strike. “Strikebreakers” may also refer to workers (union members or not) who cross picket lines to work.

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Do not cross the line means?

to start behaving in an unacceptable way, for example by getting involved in something extreme or anti-social. The show’s pretty outrageous, but I don’t think it crosses the line.

Is cross the line an idiom?

To cross the line means to overstep a boundary, to go beyond socially accepted behavior. When one crosses the line, one goes from being acceptable to being unacceptable. Someone who has crossed the line has displayed behavior that is offensive.

What does it mean to overstep someone?

: to step over or beyond : exceed She overstepped her authority.

Where did the saying cross the line come from?

Crossing the line is an ancient maritime ritual. Historically when a crew member or passenger crossed the equator for the first time, they held a ceremony to commemorate the occasion.

Where did crossing the line originate?

Crossing the line is an ancient maritime ritual. Historically when a crew member or passenger crossed the equator for the first time, they held a ceremony to commemorate the occasion. Nowadays modern sea travellers still do this by having a party and undoubtedly suffering much the next day.

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Are out of line meaning?

Definition of out of line informal. : beyond what is reasonable or allowable : not right or appropriate Your behavior is out of line. These prices are way out of line.

Is overstepping one word or two?

verb (used with object), o·ver·stepped, o·ver·step·ping. to go beyond; exceed: to overstep one’s authority.

What does it mean when someone oversteps your boundaries?

the limits/bounds
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English overstep the limits/bounds/boundariesto do something that is not acceptable or allowed He has overstepped the bounds of acceptable behaviour.