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Can someone with type 1 diabetes have a baby?

Can someone with type 1 diabetes have a baby?

Women who have type 1 diabetes can have a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby, but it’s important to monitor diabetes complications that could worsen throughout pregnancy, such as high blood pressure, vision loss, and kidney disease.

Can Type 1 diabetics give birth naturally?

Plenty of women, diabetic or not, set out with powerful intentions to give birth to their child vaginally and naturally. But the reason this all usually takes place in a hospital is because things can get complicated quickly. What’s most important is that you and your baby are healthy and safe.

What should my A1C be to get pregnant?

A1C numbers Results of the A1C test reflect your average blood glucose levels during the past 3 months. Most women with diabetes should aim for an A1C as close to normal as possible—ideally below 6.5 percent—before getting pregnant. After the first 3 months of pregnancy, your target may be as low as 6 percent.

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Does type 1 diabetes affect fertility in females?

CONCLUSIONS—Women with type 1 diabetes have reduced fertility, but it appears that normalization has occurred among women with uncomplicated disease and an onset in the past 20 years. Our results suggest that the stricter metabolic control exercised in the past 20 years may have helped prevent subfertility.

Can a diabetic woman become pregnant?

A healthy pregnancy is certainly possible with diabetes, but it takes extra care. If you plan to get pregnant with type 2 diabetes, see your doctor first. You need a plan to keep your blood sugar level under control — and during pregnancy the goals for blood sugars are very different.

Can Diabetics have a vaginal birth?

Although many women with type 1 or 2 diabetes have a healthy birth, there are some risks associated with giving birth if you have diabetes. You will be advised to give birth early to reduce the risk of stillbirth. This will usually be during week 37 or week 38 of your pregnancy.

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Can I conceive with diabetes?

Should diabetics get pregnant?

Having diabetes should not affect your fertility (your ability to get pregnant). Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about your fertility. There are several steps you can take before getting pregnant that will give you the best possible chance of having a healthy pregnancy.

Is it harder to conceive with type 1 diabetes?

FACT: The healthier your blood sugar levels are, the easier getting pregnant will be, but women with type 1 diabetes can have difficulty getting pregnant just like anyone else. It’s easy to assume (and worry) that because your body struggles to produce insulin, it will struggle to become pregnant, too.