
Is Dodo the stupidest bird?

Is Dodo the stupidest bird?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The dodo is an extinct flightless bird whose name has become synonymous with stupidity. The research suggests the dodo, rather than being stupid, boasted at least the same intelligence as its fellow members of the pigeon and dove family.

Who killed the last Dodo bird?

We can’t state an exact date but it seems that the dodo only died-off at the end of 17th century. Until recently, the last confirmed dodo sighting on its home island of Mauritius was made in 1662, but a 2003 estimate by David Roberts and Andrew Solow placed the extinction of the bird around 1690.

Do we have dodo DNA?

Dodo DNA is quite rare because DNA decays easy in warm climates and since the dodo was endemic to tropical Mauritius almost all bones found there do not contain viable DNA.

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Was the dodo friendly?

Quick Facts: Until humans discovered the island, the dodo had no natural predators. The dodo is mentioned in the book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” Dodos were recorded as being naturally curious, friendly birds.

Can the dodo be resurrected?

“There is no point in bringing the dodo back,” Shapiro says. “Their eggs will be eaten the same way that made them go extinct the first time.” Revived passenger pigeons could also face re-extinction.

Does dodo still exist?

Although the dodo bird became extinct in 1681, its story is not over. We are just beginning to understand the effects of its extinction on the ecosystem. Recently a scientist noticed that a certain species of tree was becoming quite rare on Mauritius.

Are dodo birds smart?

Dodos weren’t as dumb as their reputation suggests. New research finds that these extinct, flightless birds were likely as smart as modern pigeons, and had a better sense of smell. “So if you take brain size as a proxy for intelligence, dodos probably had a similar intelligence level to pigeons.”

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Was the dodo bird a dinosaur?

One could claim that dodo birds are and are not dinosaurs. While all bird species evolved from therapods, most people do not consider birds to be…