
Who defeated Manu Manek?

Who defeated Manu Manek?

Business career. According to an article published in The Economic Times in 2005, Anand Jain was first noted in Reliance in the mid-1980s, when he crushed the bear cartel led by Manu Manek, the then kingpin of Bombay Stock Exchange.

Did Rakesh Jhunjhunwala work with Manek?

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala: Big bull was once a bear In a video interview, Jhunjhunwala admitted making a lot of money short selling, as he was part of the bear cartel. One such bear cartel was led by Manu Manek, known as Black Cobra, with followers including Radhakishan Damani and Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, among others.

Who is Manu Manik?

Manu Manek was born between 1948-1952 (estimated) in Kolkata, India. After finishing his graduation, he worked as a stockbroker in the stock market. Unofficially, he was known as the king of the BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange), companies, and the whole network of the stockbrokers used to operate on his nod.

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Who was Manu Manik?

The legendary bear operator Manu Manek needs no introduction. The Cobra of Dalal Street was famous for the short-selling of stocks and running the powerful bear cartel which led to the temporary closure of the Bombay Stock Exchange in the 1980s.

Who is current big bull?

Popularly called the “Big Bull”, he is the most successful non-promoter investor in India. With a portfolio worth Rs….Here is Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s portfolio as of June-21.

Company Percent Holding Market Value (22 Jul)
Titan Co. 4.8\% Rs.7,260 crore
CRISIL Ltd 5.5\% Rs.1,250 crore

Who was Manu Manek?

Who was the real Manu Manek? From what is known, Manu Manek was born in Kolkata between the late 40s and early 50s. After completing his education he began working as a stockbroker in the stock market. During this period he sat on the sidelines learning the ins and outs of the early Indian markets.