
Who is better Captain Rex or Commander Cody?

Who is better Captain Rex or Commander Cody?

Cody. Commander is a higher rank than Captain. Rex was promoted to Commander before the siege of Mandalore, but wasn’t comfortable with the promotion, and was soon stripped of rank after siding with Ahsoka after Order 66.

Is Commander Cody Good or bad?

Commander Cody was created for warfare but, like every Clone Trooper, was ultimately a good man who believed in the democracy he was fighting for. Unfortunately, the Clone Army’s true purpose was to help the Sith eradicate the Jedi Order and transform the Republic into the authoritarian Empire.

Was Cody better than Rex?

Rex is also one of best hand to hand combatants and martial artists in Star Wars, but he isn’t quite as good as Cody. They’re both excellent shots, I’d say it’s about even in most categories, until you make it hand to hand and Cody overpowers Rex.

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Why is Captain Rex a captain?

He was amongst the first generation of clones created for the Grand Army of the Republic. Grown to be among the greatest soldiers in the galaxy and a leader, Rex was given additional command training and was promoted to be a Clone Captain in the Grand Army of the Republic.

What is the most liked Clone Trooper?

Star Wars: Top 15 Most Skilled Clone Troopers

  1. 1 X2. X1’s brother betrayed the Empire and fought on the side of the Rebellion, ultimately facing his sibling in battle and defeating him.
  2. 2 X1.
  3. 3 Rex (CT-7567)
  4. 4 Ordo (Null-11)
  5. 5 Alpha (ARC-17)
  6. 6 Cody (CC-2224)
  7. 7 Boss (Delta-38 or RC-1138)
  8. 8 Sev (Delta-07 Or RC-1207)

Is Captain Rex good or bad?

He is described as a reliable and exemplary soldier, considered by Anakin to be his “first-in-command”. Rex is characterized as believing it is his duty to not only carry out orders but also to protect the men under his command; however, his belief in the Republic wavers over the course of the series.