
Why bleaching powder is represented as CaOCl2?

Why bleaching powder is represented as CaOCl2?

Actual composition of Bleaching powder is a mixture of Ca(OCl)2 calcium hypochlorite + CaCl2 calcium chloride​. Thus it is written as CaOCl 2 or Ca(OCl)Cl i.e calcium chloro hypochlorite.

What is the difference between CaOCl2 and CA OCl 2?

The formula is not representing one compound, but a mixture of calcium hypochlorite and calcium chloride, which is known as bleaching powder. The often used bleaching powder is Ca(OCl)2. CaOCl2 can be seen as a 1:1 combination of CaCl2 and Ca(OCl)2.

Is calcium hypochlorite the same thing as chlorine?

Calcium Hypochlorite is commonly seen as granular Chlorine but also is in puck/tablet form. Calcium Hypo has an AC of 40-78\% and it the most popular of the Chlorines. The difference between the Calcium Hypochlorite sold in pool stores versus local mart stores is the AC level.

What is the difference between Caca(OCl)2 and CaCl2?

Ca(OCl)2 is the correct formula for the chemical, calcium hypochlorite. CaCl2 is the correct formula for the chemical, calcium chloride. CaCl(OCl) appears to be formula for the product called “bleaching powder”. As far as I can tell, CaOCl2 is not the correct formula for anything.

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What is cacaocl2 called?

CaOCl2 is called as bleaching powder or calcium hypochlorite chloride i.e Ca(OCl)Cl . Here one of chlorine atom is connected to calcium and one to oxygen atom.

What is the oxidation number of chlorine in cacaocl2?

CaOCl2 is called as bleaching powder or calcium hypochlorite chloride i.e Ca (OCl)Cl . Here one of chlorine atom is connected to calcium and one to oxygen atom. So , one chlorine is in +1 oxidation state and other in -1 oxidation state. Ca (OH)2 + Cl2 → CaOCl2 +H2O. Note : It is not calcium hypochlorite but calcium hypochlorite chloride.

What is the formula for Ca2 OCL 2Cl2?

Consider a one-to-one mixture of Ca(OCl)2 and CaCl2. The resulting mixture formula would be Ca2(OCl)2Cl2 which simplifies to Ca(OCl)Cl. The formula is not representing one compound, but a mixture of calcium hypochlorite and calcium chloride, which is known as bleaching powder. 16k views · View 19 Upvoters.