
Is SQLite same as SQL Server?

Is SQLite same as SQL Server?

Microsoft SQL Server is a powerful, full featured SQL system that supports entire ecosystems. While SQLite is a light-weight database meant to be embedded into end programs. SQLite is often useful even to SQL Server professionals when they need to create smaller databases without a full server setup to support.

What is the equivalent of Decode in SQL Server?

In SQL Server the equivalent code is CASE statement. Here are the examples regarding how DECODE can be written in SQL Server.

What is the equivalent of Rowid in SQL Server?

ROWID is a pseudocolumn that uniquely defines a single row in a database table. The term pseudocolumn is used because you can refer to ROWID in the WHERE clauses of a query as you would refer to a column stored in your database; the difference is you cannot insert, update, or delete ROWID values.

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What is difference between SQL Server and PostgreSQL?

SQL server is a database management system which is mainly used for e-commerce and providing different data warehousing solutions. PostgreSQL is an advanced version of SQL which provides support to different functions of SQL like foreign keys, subqueries, triggers, and different user-defined types and functions.

What is the equivalent of dual in SQL Server?

What is the equivalent of DUAL in SQL Server? None. There is no need of Dual table in SQL Server at all.

What is SQL Server Physloc?

Summary. The undocumented \%\%physloc\%\% virtual column allows us to see where in the database file(s) each row of a table is located. Both, the sys. fn_PhysLocFormatter and the sys. fn_PhysLocCracker functions provide convenient ways to turn the encoded hexadecimal value that \%\%physloc\%\% returns into a more usable format …

Which is best SQL or PostgreSQL?

Despite the overwhelming popularity of MySQL, PostgreSQL may be a better choice because its syntax most closely conforms to Standard SQL. This means that you can easily translate your skills to other database management systems such as MySQL or SQLite.