
What happens to the current as the potential difference increases?

What happens to the current as the potential difference increases?

Actually the potential difference accelerates the electrons to produce current . The value of current is directly proportional to drift velocity of electrons in the conductor . Thus increasing the potential difference will increase the drift velocity of electrons ultimately producing higher amount of current.

Does current increase the speed of electrons?

When current is increased it either means that the speed of electrons has increased or it means that the number density of the flowing electrons has increased.

What does potential difference do to electrons in a circuit?

The potential difference between the two causes the electrons to be attracted back, producing a flow of electric charge: current electricity. The electrons are stored at the negative terminal of the battery and the positive ions at the positive terminal, so there is a potential difference between the two ends.

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What does increasing electric current do?

In a series circuit the components are connected along a single path. Therefore, if the voltage is increased, the current will increase provided the resistance of the circuit does not change. Similarly, increasing the resistance of the circuit will lower the current flow if the voltage is not changed.

What happens to electrons as voltage increases?

The higher the voltage, the higher the current, from I=V/R . In the Resistance of the lamp, the higher drift velocity electrons will interact and transfer more energy to more of the atoms/molecules of the lattice in the resistor, which will translate to more photons as the atoms/molecules relax back.

What happens to electrons when current is increased?

The electrons simply drift more quickly, in proportion to the potential difference that pulls them along. Hence the charge flow per second increases in proportion, which is just another way of saying that the current increases in proportion.

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Why potential difference is necessary to produce current in a circuit?

Electric potential difference is a measure of the strength of this force, divided by the amount of electric charge being acted upon. As such electric potential differences are needed to make electrons move, i.e. create electricity, because the potential represents the force needed to get past Newtons first law.