
What investment gives the best return in Singapore?

What investment gives the best return in Singapore?

6 Investments In Singapore That Provide Guaranteed Principal And Returns

  • What Is Risk-Free Returns?
  • #1 Singapore Government Treasury Bills (T-Bill)
  • #2 Singapore Government Bonds.
  • #3 Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB)
  • #5 CPF Top-Ups.
  • #6 Savings Plans.
  • Moving On To Investments With Greater Risks.

Where should I put my money Singapore?

Investment Options

  1. 6 investment options to help you maximise your savings.
  2. Singapore Saving Bonds (SSB) and Corporate Bonds (CB)
  3. Structured Deposits (SD)
  4. Unit Trusts.
  5. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  7. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
  8. CPF Special Accounts.

How to start investing in Singapore?

Before you can even start investing in Singapore, what you need to do is set up a Central Depository (CDP) account. For this, you have to be above 18 years old and financially well, or simply, not bankrupt.

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Should you invest in Singapore Savings Bonds?

The Singapore government launched the Singapore Savings bond late 2015 and meant it as a low-cost investment option for individuals. These are fully-backed by the government and there is no risk of capital losses.

Are You Losing money when you invest in Singapore?

In other words, you buy less than you can with the same amount as the value of your money fall over time. It’s like dropping coins whenever you work, eat and sleep. The average inflation rate in Singapore is 2.62\% and the average savings account rate is less than 1\%. That means you’re losing 1.62\% every year!

Which companies provide monthly investment plans in Singapore?

In Singapore, we have 4 companies that provides monthly investment plans: 1 OCBC Blue Chip Investment Plan (BCIP) 2 Maybank Kim Eng Monthly Investment Plan 3 POSB Invest Saver 4 Phillip Share Builder Plan