
What is the difference between pic16f and PIC18F?

What is the difference between pic16f and PIC18F?

5) INSTRUCTION SET The most obvious difference between PIC16F877A and PIC18F4550 is the assembly language component of the device From Byte-Oriented operation, Bit-Oriented operation,Literal operation and Control Operation. PIC18F4550 provide more instructions compare to PIC16F877A.

What are the advantages of PIC16F877A microcontroller?

Advantages of PIC Microcontroller: They are reliable and malfunctioning of PIC percentage is very less. And performance of the PIC is very fast because of using RISC architecture. Power conception is also very less when compared to other micro controllers.

Does PIC has a compare instruction?

Comparing values in a PIC (THEORY) How can the PIC do comparison? There’s no “compare” instruction !

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What is meant by PIC16F877A?

PIC16F877a is a PIC Microcontroller and is normally used in Embedded Projects like Home Automation System, Bank Security System etc.

What is the maximum operating frequency of PIC16F877A?

As per the 16F877A datasheet it can use any frequency from DC to 20mhz.

How many IO ports are there in PIC16F877A?

PIC 16F877 series normally has five input/output ports. They are used for the input/output interfacing with other devices/circuits. Most of these port pins are multiplexed for handling alternate function for peripheral features on the devices.

What is pic16f877a introduction and features?

In this article, we will see the PIC16F877A Introduction and features. Peripheral Interface Controllers (PIC) is one of the advanced microcontrollers developed by microchip technologies. These microcontrollers are widely used in modern electronics applications. A PIC controller integrates all types of advanced interfacing ports and memory modules.

Which compiler is used to program a PIC 16f877a?

Now all the pins of the port b will be low. Three popular compiler which are used to program pic microcontrollers are MPLAB XC8, Mikro C for pic, PIC CCS compiler and Hi-Tech compiler. The official compiler is MPLAB XC8 compiler which is developed by manufactures of PIC16F877A.

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What is the operating voltage of the pic18f46k22?

It has a smaller 35 instructions set. It can operate up to 20MHz frequency. The operating voltage is between 4.2 volts to 5.5 volts. If you provide it voltage more than 5.5 volts, it may get damaged permanently. It does not have an internal oscillator like other PIC18F46K22, PIC18F4550.

What is a PIC microcontroller?

As with a normal microcontroller, the PIC chip also combines a microprocessor unit called CPU and is integrated with various types of memory modules (RAM, ROM, EEPROM, etc), I/O ports, timers/counters, communication ports, etc. All PIC microcontroller family uses Harvard architecture.