
Which is correct Vakkiyam or Thirukanitham?

Which is correct Vakkiyam or Thirukanitham?

‘Drik’ panchangam or thirukanitham more accurately represents the actual position of the celestial bodies. ‘Vak ‘ is a more approximate method that computes the positions of planets based on the mean motions of planets.

Which panchangam is true?

Panchangam is true. It is based on astronomical science. Detailed calculations of the movement of constellations, sun, moon and other planets are made and the results are reflected in the panchangam.

How accurate is panchangam?

Panchang calculations are highly accurate than the conventional horoscopes. Based on the Vara, Thithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana, the Panchang can tell you whether the day is auspicious or not and whether it is suitable for a purpose or not.

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Is Surya Siddhanta Panchangam accurate?

The Surya Siddhanta is one of the several astronomy-related Hindu texts. It represents a functional system that made reasonably accurate predictions. The text was influential on the solar year computations of the luni-solar Hindu calendar.

Is Drik Panchang accurate?

Since the results obtained using the Drigganita system are more accurate, the astronomers and astrologers use the system for casting horoscopes, for conducting astrological queries and for the computations of eclipses.

Does NASA follow Hindu Panchang?

A NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) employee has openly acknowledged through a statement that NASA has been referring to Hindu Calendar Panchang to accurately predict various astronomical events including solar and lunar eclipses.

What is panchang in astrology?

Panchanga is a calendar used in vedic astrology to determine the auspicious and inauspicious time for performing day-to-day tasks based on the prevailing planetary position. It comprises of five elements – Vaara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana.

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What is the difference between Surya Siddhanta and Drik Siddhanta?

Surya Siddhanta lays down the foundation for Vedic Astrology. This has all the parameters and measurement for making a horoscope. Drik Siddhanta or treatise is the modern version of Surya Siddhanta, wherein the planetary positions are taken from Astronomical data.

What is the difference between thirukkanidham or vakkiya Panchangam?

Thirukkanidham or Vakkiya panchangam? ‘Drik’ panchangam or thirukanitham more accurately represents the actual position of the celestial bodies. ‘Vak ‘ is a more approximate method that computes the positions of planets based on the mean motions of planets.

How accurate is astrology?

Through spiritual research methodology we have ascertained that the accuracy of Astrology is a maximum of 30\%. The accuracy and power of interpretation of an astrologer can be increased only through spiritual practice.

What is Vakyam in Hinduism?

The Vakyam is an ancient system where planetary motions are described in simple sentences (hence the vakya). The author of Surya Siddhantha mentions that one should observe the sky and make necessary corrections to planet How panchangam is caluculated?

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What is Panchangam in Vedic astrology?

In Vedic Astrology both the Moon and the Sun are considered as stars. One group of Panchangam makers uses old methods which were quite handy to give correct positions of stars without doing lengthy calculations. Old calculations were written in form of statements or Vakya for easy memorization and understanding.