
Can testicular cancer happen at 15?

Can testicular cancer happen at 15?

Testicular cancer affects teens and younger men, particularly those between ages 15 and 35. However, it can occur at any age. Race. Testicular cancer is more common in white men than in black men.

Why do I feel a little ball in my balls?

Share on Pinterest Testicle lumps may be caused by cysts, hydroceles, and epididymitis. A cyst is a fluid-filled sac that can feel like a small, hard lump when touched. Cysts can develop almost anywhere on the body and are usually harmless. A varicocele is a lumpy area caused by swollen veins in the testicles.

Can puberty cause your balls to hurt?

Epididymitis is rare before puberty; after puberty, the incidence increases, and it becomes important in the differential diagnosis of an acute painful scrotum in young sexually active men. Varicocele is found in 5–15\% of adolescent boys. It is extremely rare in boys younger than 10 years of age.

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Is testicular cancer common in 16 year olds?

It’s an uncommon disease, affecting one in every 250 males during their lifetime. Although the average age at the time of diagnosis is 33, testicular cancer can affect teens starting at 15 years old.

Can teens get testicular cysts?

Sometimes lumps, bumps or masses may affect the testicles or scrotum during the teenage years. The mass may be a varicocele, hydrocele, cyst or, rarely, cancer.

Do testicular cysts go away?

Most testicular cysts go away on their own with rest and scrotal support. However, if the cyst is enlarged or becomes infected, they may require surgical intervention. A cyst is a swelling that contains fluid, semisolid material or gaseous material.

What would a pea-sized lump in testicle?

Epididymal cysts are very common and can happen at any age. They’re fluid-filled cysts (a tissue sac that can contain clear liquid or pus) that grow from the epididymis (a thin, coiled tube) of the testicle. Usually, they look like a pea-sized lump at the top of the testicle, but they can become larger.

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How do I get rid of a cyst on my testicle?

An epididymal cyst doesn’t require treatment unless it causes pain or discomfort. You may need surgery. During this procedure, your surgeon will remove the cyst and seal your scrotum with stitches that usually dissolve within 10 days.