
Does BookMyShow have an API?

Does BookMyShow have an API?

Elastic search is used to support the search APIs on Bookmyshow (to search movies or shows). Elastic search is distributed and it has RESTful search APIs available in the system. It can be also used as an analytics engine that works as an App-level search engine to answer all the search queries from the frontend.

Does Fandango have an API?

Partners can now access movie, theater and ticketing information through the Fandango APIs and the Tomatometer, critic reviews and ratings through the Rotten Tomatoes APIs. Now you can bring Fandango’s movie information expertise to your applications using our APIs or data feeds.

What format is used in movie theaters?

A DCP or Digital Cinema Print is the modern version of the old “35mm film reel”. It is the format movie theaters use to project feature films and trailers. Over 90\% of the theatres in the world now screen from DCPs. If you’ve seen a movie in a cinema lately – it was likely from a Digital Cinema Print.

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How do movie theaters decide which movies to show?

Though theoretically studios and theaters could attach any trailer to any movie, they usually decide which releases to promote by using the “quadrant” system, which divides potential audiences into four different categories: men under 25, women under 25, men over 25, and women over 25.

How does movie ticketing work?

Customer will get a ticket with Invoice with Encrypt QR code, Basic details of Movie, Address of theater, Timing, Theater Number, etc. A ticket will be generated then and there only using Unique Ticket ID. few more async tasks were invoked to send SMS, EMAIL and WHATSAPP the Tickets.

How can I get QR code from BookMyShow?

There are many ways to access your QR code, we’ve listed them below: – A link to download the QR code is sent via SMS. – The link would be sent to you via Whats App in case you’ve enabled the option to receive your booking confirmation via Whats App. – The QR code is also sent as an attachment via email.