
How do you feel that you are in an online learning?

How do you feel that you are in an online learning?

I could divide the day and time I complete my work, I can sleep in a little longer, and overall just be comfortable while in my own home. I feel that online learning is nothing compared to physical learning. With physical learning, I can talk to my teachers one on one and visually see and interact with everything.

What is the difference between remote learning and online learning?

Remote instruction is most often a solution to facilitating a course curriculum in times of face-to-face class interruptions (e.g., a scheduled absence, a snow day or an emergency). Online instruction is the facilitation that occurs in a course that has been developed with the intention for fully online delivery.

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How do you write an online class remark?

Here is a list of 10 report card comments that start positively and are geared towards distance learning. _______________ is having a great year in the ____ grade. _______________ participates in class discussions enthusiastically and collaborates well with classmates. _______________ continues to have a great year!

What do students say about online learning?

The majority of students, 73 percent, “somewhat” or “strongly” (46 percent) agreed that they would like to take some fully online courses in the future. A slightly smaller number of students, 68 percent, indicated they would be interested in taking courses offering a combination of in-person and online instruction.

Is remote learning effective?

Respondents awarded low marks to remote learning across all eight countries. However, teachers in Australia, Canada and Germany marked it higher for effectiveness than anyone else. Close to a third of teachers said they felt remote learning was a reasonably good substitute for in-person, classroom-based teaching.

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What does remote learning look like?

Typically, the student follows a schedule similar to a typical in-person school day by logging into a virtual classroom to complete assignments, listen to lectures, or participate in group activities. Essentially, remote learning is an embodiment of the in-person classroom moved to the realm of the virtual.

How do you write a good comment example?

Top ten tips for writing a great comment

  1. Read the article.
  2. Respond to the article.
  3. Read the other comments.
  4. Make it clear who you’re replying to.
  5. Use the return key.
  6. Avoid sarcasm.
  7. Avoid unnecessary acronyms.
  8. Use facts.

How do I comment on students assignments?

Here are more than 100 positive comments your students would love to read!

  1. This is some awesome thinking!
  2. What terrific math skills you’re showing!
  3. You are an amazing writer!
  4. Wow!
  5. Nice idea!
  6. You are showing excellent understanding!
  7. This is clear, concise, and complete!
  8. What a powerful argument!

How effective is online learning for college students?

Online learning is certainly the more effective option for students, but it’s also better for the environment. The Open University in Britain have found that online courses equate to an average of 90\% less energy and 85\% fewer CO2 emissions per student than traditional in person courses.