
How many days after record date is dividend paid?

How many days after record date is dividend paid?

The dividend payment date is generally 30-45 days after the record date. If you are eligible for dividends and have not received it even after the dividend payment date, you will need to contact the companies’ registrar.

How much dividend declared in HDFC and what is the ex date of it?


Dividends Declared
Announcement Date Effective Date Remarks
18/06/2021 29/06/2021 Rs.6.5000 per share(650\%)Dividend
22/07/2019 01/08/2019 Rs.5.0000 per share(250\%)Special Interim Dividend
22/04/2019 20/06/2019 Rs.15.0000 per share(750\%)Dividend

What is HDFC dividend policy?

Further, during FY 20, the Bank has paid special interim dividend of ₹2.50 per equity shares of face value of Re….Dividend History.

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Financial Year Dividend (as a Percentage of Face Value)
2019-2020 Not Applicable*
2018-2019 750\%
2017-2018 650\%
2016-2017 550\%

Where does dividend get credited?

If your bank mandate is registered with the registrar then the dividend amount will be automatically credited to your bank account. If you are holding physical shares or if your bank mandate is not registered then your dividend cheque will be mailed to you at your registered address.

How long do you need to hold shares to receive dividend?

In the simplest sense, you only need to own a stock for two business days to get a dividend payout. Technically, you could even buy a stock with one second left before the market close and still be entitled to the dividend when the market opens two business days later.

Has HDFC Bank paid dividend for 2021?

HDFC Bank announced a dividend of 650 per cent on July 18 for its shareholders. Accordingly, the private lender said that it will pay a dividend of Rs 6.50 per share for the year ended March 2021. HDFC said that it will pay a dividend of Rs 6.50 per equity share out of the net profits for the year ended March 31, 2021.

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What is the record date for HDFC Bank dividend 2021?

HDFC Bank Ltd.

Announcement Date Ex-Date Remarks
18-06-2021 29-06-2021 Rs.6.5000 per share(650\%)Dividend
22-07-2019 01-08-2019 Rs.5.0000 per share(250\%)Special Interim Dividend
22-04-2019 20-06-2019 Rs.15.0000 per share(750\%)Dividend
23-04-2018 31-05-2018 Rs.13.0000 per share(650\%)Dividend

Has HDFC announced dividend?

HDFC Bank Share Dividend 2021, HDFC Bank Share Dividend Record date 2021: HDFC Bank has announced a dividend of Rs 6.50 per equity share. Accordingly, the private lender said that it will pay a dividend of Rs 6.50 per share for the year ended March 2021.

Has HDFC declared dividend in 2020?

The board approved revising the re-appointment of Umesh Chandra Sarangi as an independent director from March 1, 2021 till February 29, 2024.