
What is difference between graphy and logy?

What is difference between graphy and logy?

The suffix -logy means a branch of learning, or study of a particular subject. The suffix -nomy means a system of rules or laws, or body of knowledge of a particular subject. The suffix -graphy refers to something written about a particular subject.

What does the suffix logy mean?

The Greek root word log means ‘word,’ and its variant suffix -logy means ‘study (of). ‘ Some common English words that use this root include biology, mythology, catalog, and prologue.

What does logy mean in biology?

-logy. (Science: suffix) a combining form denoting a discourse, treatise, doctrine, theory, science; as, theology, geology, biology, mineralogy.

What is the suffix of biography?

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An example of graphy used as a suffix is biography, which is a story written about a person’s life. An example of graphy used as a suffix is calligraphy, which is the art of handwriting.

What is the meaning of graphy in geography?

The word Geography is derived from the Greek word geo (the Earth, in its broadest meaning) and graphos (graphy, to write about). Literally, to write about the Earth. On the one hand, Geography is concerned with PEOPLE.

What does graphy mean in medical terms?

[Gr. – graphia fr. graphein, to write] Suffix meaning process or form of writing or recording.

What is the meaning of logy in sociology?

Origins of the Word Sociology. The word sociology derives from the French word, sociologie, a hybrid coined in 1830 by French philosopher Isidore Auguste Comte (1798-1857), from the Latin: socius, meaning “companion”; and the suffix -ology, meaning “the study of”, from the Greek λόγος, lógos, “knowledge”.

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What does the suffix stasis mean in biology?

The suffix (-stasis) refers to having a state of balance, stability or equilibrium. It also refers to a slowing or stoppage of motion or activity.

What does Loggy mean?

loggy in British English (ˈlɒɡɪ) adjectiveWord forms: -gier or -giest. slow, sluggish, or listless.

What does graphy mean in medical terminology?

What does the suffix graphy mean in Greek?

noun A terminal element in compound words of Greek origin, meaning ‘writing, description, discourse, seience,’ as in biography, geography, hagiography, hydrography, topography, typography, etc.

What are examples of geography?

Some examples of human geography include urban geography, economic geography, cultural geography, political geography, social geography, and population geography. Human geographers who study geographic patterns and processes in past times are part of the subdiscipline of historical geography.