
What is the knock spell?

What is the knock spell?

The knock spell opens stuck, barred, locked, held, or arcane locked doors. It opens secret doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests. It also loosens welds, shackles, or chains (provided they serve to hold closures shut).

What level is the knock spell?


Level: 2 School: Alteration
Components: V
Range: 6″ Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area: 10 square feet/level

What is the best Cantrip spell?

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Best Cantrips In 5e

  1. 1 Shape Water. With Shape Water (Transmutation), casters can do a lot with just an area of water within 30ft that fits a 5-foot cube.
  2. 2 Mage Hand.
  3. 3 Mind Sliver.
  4. 4 Minor Illusion.
  5. 5 Guidance.
  6. 6 Toll the Dead.
  7. 7 Chill Touch.
  8. 8 Message.

Does knock work on rope?

A rope tying up a creature does not prevent access to the PC (you can still rifle their pockets, for example) so I would rule that knock doesn’t work.

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Is knock a cleric spell?

Knock was a transmutation spell that could open locked, barred, or stuck doors with only the spoken word. Clerics who had access to the greed domain could also cast this spell as a divine power….Level.

Alchemist 4
Wu jen 2

Is vicious mockery good?

Vicious Mockery is okay; if you compare it to Frostbite, it does slightly less damage but the save against it is Wisdom, so it’s more likely to succeed against more physical opponents, it also does psychic damage which isn’t widely resisted except by certain types of creature.

Do thunderclaps harm allies?

Thunderclap’s range is only 5 feet. So it can only affect creatures who are right next to you. You’re correct, it affects everyone who’s next to you, both allies and opponents.