
How does an PNP transistor work in active mode?

How does an PNP transistor work in active mode?

Depending on the polarity of the applied voltage, the pnp transistor can be operated in three modes: active mode, cutoff mode and saturation mode. The pnp transistor is often operated in active mode because in active mode the pnp transistor amplifies the electric current.

What are the minority charge carriers in the base region of an NPN transistor?

EXPLANATION: In an NPN transistor, holes are the minority carriers and free electrons are the majority carriers.

What are the majority carriers in a PNP transistors?

The emitter provides the majority charge carriers, which are holes. Hence in pnp transistors, majority carriers are holes. In npn transistors majority carriers are electrons.

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What is active mode of operation?

Typically we want to have a transistor to operate in what is called active mode. Active mode is when the Base-Emitter junction is forward biased and the Base-Collector Junction is Reverse biased. For the npn this means that the Base has a higher potential than the Emitter and a lower potential than the collector.

What is the majority carriers in NPN and PNP transistor?

In a PNP transistor, the majority charge carriers are holes while in NPN the majority charge carriers are electrons.

When operated in active mode the transistor acts like a?

The four transistor operation modes are: Saturation — The transistor acts like a short circuit. Current freely flows from collector to emitter. Cut-off — The transistor acts like an open circuit….Relating to the PNP.

Voltage relations NPN Mode PNP Mode
VE > VB > VC Reverse Active

What is majority carrier when a PNP CE transistor configuration is in operation?

In NPN transistor, electrons are the majority carriers and in PNP transistor, holes are the majority carriers.