
When a 12V battery is connected across an unknown resistor there is a current of 6a in the circuit the value of resistance of the resistor?

When a 12V battery is connected across an unknown resistor there is a current of 6a in the circuit the value of resistance of the resistor?

Therefore, we are getting the value of the unknown resistance as 4.8 Kilo ohms.

What resistor do I need to drop 18V to 12V?

1 Answer. The problem with using a resistor is that its voltage drop varies depending on how much current the motor draws. At 60mA you would need (18V-12V)/0.06A = 100Ω, but at 300mA you would need (18V-12V)/0.3A = 20Ω.

What resistor do I need to drop 12V to 6v?

It’s possible to step 12 volts down to 6 volts by incorporating a pair of 10,000-ohm resistors into the circuit.

How do you reduce 12 volts to 5V?

Any change in the circuit current will lead to change in voltage. Let the current of the circuit is 5 Amps. With this circuit design, a lot of electrical energy get wasted in the resistance. The 12 volts can be reduced to 5 volts by using a voltage regulator IC 7805.

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When a 12v battery is connected across an unknown resistor there is a current?

When a 12 V battery is connected across an unknown resistor, there is a current of 2.5 mA in the circuit.

How many 176 resistors are there?

From Ohm’s law, ∴four resistors of 176 Ω are required to draw the given amount of current.

What is a step down buck converter?

A buck converter, also known as a step-down converter, is a DC/DC power converter that provides voltage step down and current step up. The converter reduces the voltage when the power source has a higher voltage than Vin.

Does a resistor limit current or voltage?

In short: Resistors limit the flow of electrons, reducing current. Voltage comes about by the potential energy difference across the resistor. The mathematical answer is that a resistor is a two-terminal electric device which obeys, or you could say enforces, Ohm’s law: V=IR.