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Can a felon get a business license in California?

Can a felon get a business license in California?

The CSLB may generally grant licenses to applicants with a criminal conviction within the past seven years, as long as the offense is not substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of being a contractor.

How long before a convicted felon can own a gun in California?

You may petition the court to have gun rights restored before the 10-year period is up if: you were convicted of one of the above misdemeanors prior to its being added to Penal Code 29805 PC, and. you do not have a previous conviction under Section 29805, no matter when the prior conviction occurred.

Can a felon get a liquor license in California?

A person with a felony conviction must meet the requirements under Section 311.060 in order to qualify for a liquor license. This section requires a person to be of good moral character, a qualified legal voter and a taxpaying citizen.

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Can a felon own a franchise?

There is no Federal or state law preventing a felon from owning a business, including a franchise. A felon may be prohibited from owning some franchises based on the type of business and the requirements for licensing. Licensing and bonding for a franchise can be affected by a felony.

Can a felon be an electrician in California?

Felons with certain convictions are generally not eligible to work as an electrician. These include those with an offense: Involving fraud or deceptive trade practices because they would have the opportunity to practice fraud related to the need for services.

Can an ex felon get a gun permit in California?

California gun laws prohibit individuals from owning, possessing, or purchasing a gun if they have been convicted of certain offenses. Though California Penal Code 29800 is commonly known as the “felon with a firearm law”, the law also applies to those who have been convicted of certain misdemeanor offenses.

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Can you give away free alcohol in California?

Giving away free beer to bar patrons is illegal, a California appeals court has ruled, striking down a common promotional tactic by the nation’s largest beer makers. The ruling effectively ends a popular practice by beer makers that purchase their own products in neighborhood bars and give them to patrons.

How much does a liquor license cost in California?

Complete data

[hide]Liquor license fees by state, 2018
State Liquor license fee (for a restaurant to sell beer, wine, and liquor on site) Duration
California $13,800.00 Annual
Colorado $500.00 Annual
Connecticut $1,450.00 Annual