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Can anyone from HXH beat goku?

Can anyone from HXH beat goku?

10 Stronger: Goku Is Still Too Overpowered For Gon To Beat (Dragon Ball Z) Goku from Dragon Ball is far too powerful for Gon to beat, despite Gon’s growth so far in Hunter X Hunter. Gon is nowhere near capable enough to match Goku in battle.

Who will beat Meruem?

Gon in his Adult version is the most powerful form and thus, he may be able to defeat Meruem in a fight. Isaac Netero. He was the first one to ever defeat Meruem by suicide bombing. He is currently the strongest hunter in Hunter x Hunter.

Why is Alluka so strong?

Alluka is the second youngest child of Silva and is arguably the strongest member of the Zoldyck family. Although she doesn’t know how to fight, her frightening powers come from ane entity possessing her, which Killua calls Nanika.

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Does gon have enough Nen to defeat Meruem?

Yes, when the so-called hero doesn’t even try to fight Meruem (being more focused on what happened to his Uncle Kite.) Neferpitou mentions that Adult Gon has enough nen to pose a significant threat to the Chimera Ant King — but Child Gon is a total joke in comparison.

Is Neferpitou stronger than Meruem?

Netero claimed that even one of his Royal Guards, Neferpitou, was stronger than he was — against Meruem, the old man fought in vain, until he used the Nuclear Bomb + Secret Poison technique. RELATED: The 10 Best Gunslingers In Anime, Ranked

Is Meruem the strongest in Hunter x Hunter?

While Meruem is a powerful character on Hunter x Hunter, there are only certain anime heroes she could defeat. By Ajay Aravind Published Jun 11, 2020 Meruem, the Chimera Ant King, is the strongest character in Hunter x Hunter, bar none.

Why is Naruto so much more powerful than Goku?

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While Goku grows in strength, he doesn’t improve his intellect. When he’s pushed to his limits, he usually goes and trains a little more, so that he typically tries to become more powerful instead of dealing with a strategy. While Goku is powerful, he rarely applies brainpower to a situation. One of Naruto’s greatest assets is his allies.