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How do I connect BOT framework to Luis?

How do I connect BOT framework to Luis?

Create a LUIS app in the LUIS portal

  1. Sign in to the LUIS portal and if needed create an account and authoring resource.
  2. On the Conversation apps page in LUIS, select the down arrow to the right of New app then select Import as JSON.
  3. In the Import new app dialog:
  4. You may be prompted to upgrade your composite entities.

Which method is used call another dialog in Microsoft bot framework?

IDialog interface has only StartAsync() method. StartAsync() is called when the dialog becomes active. The method is passed the IDialogContext object, used to manage the conversation. You can wait for a message from the conversation, call context.

Which are the configuration fields required to authenticate a boat with the BOT framework in Microsoft teams?

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Configure the identity provider connection and register it with the bot

  • In the Azure portal, select your resource group from the dashboard.
  • Select your bot channel registration link.
  • Open the resource page and select Configuration under Settings.
  • Select Add OAuth Connection Settings.
  • Select Save.

What is dialog in bot framework?

What is a dialog in Bot framework? Basically dialog is a class, which allows Bot developer to logically separate various areas of Bot functionality and guide conversational flow.

How do I use Microsoft Luis with bot framework composer?

Update the recognizer type to LUIS

  1. Select the dialog that needs language understanding capabilities in the bot explorer.
  2. In the properties pane, go to Recognizer/Dispatch type and select Change. The Choose a recognizer type menu will appear.
  3. Select Default and then select Done to set the recognizer type to LUIS.

How do I set up Luis?

In this article

  1. Sign in to LUIS portal.
  2. Select subscription and authoring resource.
  3. Create a new app.
  4. Add prebuilt domain.
  5. Check out intents and entities.
  6. Train the LUIS app.
  7. Test your app.
  8. Customize your application.
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What are dialogs in chatbot?

Dialogs are a central concept in the SDK, providing ways to manage a long-running conversation with the user. A dialog performs a task that can represent part of or a complete conversational thread.

What platform does Luis support Mac?

Languages supported

Language Locale Prebuilt domain
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
Spanish (Mexico) es-MX
Spanish (Spain) es-ES
Tamil (preview) ta-IN

Which are the configuration fields required to authenticate a bot with the bot framework in Microsoft teams Mcq?

Answer: The Application (client) ID value. You’ll use this value later as the Client ID when you register this Azure identity application with your bot.

How do I authenticate Microsoft teams API?

Web-based authentication flow Use the Microsoft Teams JavaScript client SDK in a web content page to enable authentication. After enabling authentication, embed the content page in a tab, a configuration page, or a task module.

Is FormFlow and dialog can be used together?

FormFlow and Dialog can be used together. Mixing of intent and entity definitions is considered a good practice.

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How do you implement Luis?