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Is apt short for appointment?

Is apt short for appointment?

The common abbreviation for the word “appointment” is “appt.” Though it’s not the most common of abbreviations it’s nonetheless a widely agreed upon one. Special attention should be paid to the spelling as “apt.” is a completely different abbreviation, in this case for the word apartment.

What is Apts stand for?


Acronym Definition
APTS Advanced Public Transportation System
APTS Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Texas)
APTS Automatic Picture Transmission System
APTS Afloat Personal Telephone Service

What is the synonym of appointment?

meeting, engagement, interview, arrangement, consultation, session. date, rendezvous, assignation, tweetup. commitment, fixture.

What is appt medical abbreviation?

Definition. APPT. Appointment. APPT. Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (clotting measure)

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Is it doctors or doctor’s appointment?

Both doctor’s appointment and doctor appointment are acceptable for describing a medical visit. In the first case the ‘s, instead of showing possession, is actually showing association; appointments of this nature are associated with doctors.

What is the abbreviation for application?

Summary: Application Abbreviation There are a few common abbreviations of application: ap., app., and apl. If you want to make one of these plural, simply add on an “s.”

What does APT or suite mean?

Apt = Apartment or Suite = the Suite Number. If you don’t have an Apartment or Suite you can ignore it.

What does being appointed mean?

To be appointed is to be given a task or job. If you’re appointed as the week’s doughnut fetcher at work, it means you’ve been assigned the job of bringing treats for everyone. You might be appointed for a small duty or for a large promotion, as when the gym teacher at school is unexpectedly appointed principal.

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What is the noun of appoint?

appointment. The act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office or discharge a trust. The state of being appointed to a service or office; an office to which one is appointed; station; position.

What is AAPT full form?

AAPT. American Association of Pharmacy Technicians.

What is aPTT test in pregnancy?

Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) – this test looks at a variety of factors involved in the normal blood clotting process. If any of these factors has a defect the blood will take longer than normal to clot. The consequence of such a defect can result in hemorrhaging.
