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Is RBL Bank safe for FD Quora?

Is RBL Bank safe for FD Quora?

RBL bank is a decent bank and your money is safe. You can stick with the bank if you are satisifed with the customer service and netbanking experience. Thanks for A2A. Definitely Yes, this is the right time to invest in shares of RBL Bank.

What is the rating of RBL Bank?


Instrument Rating Implication
Certificate of Deposits ICRA A1+ The lowest short term credit Risk
Medium term fixed deposit Programme ICRA MAA (Stable) Low Credit Risk
Short term fixed deposit programme ICRA A1+ Lowest Credit Risk

What is the FD rates of RBL Bank 2020?

RBL Bank offers FD interest rates of 5.00\%, 5.75\%, and 6.50\% for deposits that mature in 7-14 days, 15-45 days, and 46-90 days, respectively. FDs that mature in 91-180 days, 181-240 days, and 241-364 days fetch interest rates of 6.75\%, 6.90\%, and 7.00\%, respectively.

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Can we trust RBL bank?

Investing in a fixed deposits with the highest rating of AAA, rated by ICRA and CRISIL, is a reliable investment option. Thus, RBL Bank term deposit is safe and secure, as the funds are backed by the government no matter what the current situation of the Bank is.

How good is RBL Bank Quora?

RBL has emerged as one of the most stable stock in entire banking stocks like icici kotak hdfc bank . The stock is growing with steady and continuous speed and has also proved dependable . personaly i feel investment in RBL must b done coupled with icici and kotak if u r looking for investments in banking .

What is the rating of South Indian Bank?

Short Term Ratings

Instrument Type Ratings
Certificate of Deposits CARE A1+ (A One Plus)
Short Term Fixed Deposits CRISIL A1+ (A One Plus)