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What are the positives and negatives of coffee?

What are the positives and negatives of coffee?

A moderate intake of coffee may enhance weight loss, cognitive function, and alertness. Caffeine may have a negative impact on pregnancy, fertility, glucose control, and other aspects of health. Energy drinks can contain high levels of caffeine but are unlikely to be hazardous unless consumed with alcohol.

What are the positive effects of drinking coffee?


  • Coffee boosts your physical performance.
  • Coffee may help you lose weight.
  • Coffee helps you burn fat.
  • Coffee helps you focus and stay alert.
  • Coffee lowers risk of death.
  • Coffee reduces risk of cancers.
  • Coffee reduces risk of stroke.
  • Coffee reduces risk of Parkinson’s disease.

Is coffee good or bad in long term?

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Hu said that moderate coffee intake—about 2–5 cups a day—is linked to a lower likelihood of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. It’s even possible that people who drink coffee can reduce their risk of early death.

What are 3 negative effects of caffeine?

Caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, nausea, increased heart rate, and other side effects. Larger doses might cause headache, anxiety, and chest pain. Caffeine is likely unsafe when used in very high doses. It can cause irregular heartbeat and even death.

Why is coffee bad for you long term?

Long-term effects at this level may include chronic insomnia, constant anxiety, depression, and stomach problems. It can also cause high blood pressure or make high blood pressure worse. More than 300 mg of caffeine (about 2 to 3 cups of coffee) in a day may be linked to miscarriages and low-birth weight babies.

What are the long term effects of drinking coffee?

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Does coffee cause health problems?

When taken by mouth: Coffee is LIKELY SAFE for most healthy adults when consumed in moderate amounts (about 4 cups per day). Coffee containing caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach upset, nausea and vomiting, increased heart and breathing rate, and other side effects.