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What is the full meaning of Prolog?

What is the full meaning of Prolog?

Prolog is a general purpose logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. The name Prolog was chosen by Philippe Roussel as an abbreviation for programmation en logique (French for programming in logic).

What is the full form of Algol?

ALGOL (/ˈælɡɒl, -ɡɔːl/; short for “Algorithmic Language”) is a family of imperative computer programming languages originally developed in 1958.

What is the full form of Pascal?

PASCAL – Preservation And Storage Center For Academic Libraries – Community » Educational.

What is Lisp in Python?

An interpreted, object-oriented, and high-level programming language with dynamic semantics is called Python programming language and the second high-level programming language created by John McCarthy is called Lisp programming language.

What is Lisp and Prolog?

Prolog vs Lisp Prolog is a declarative language, while Lisp is a functional language. Both are used for various AI problems but Prolog is used most for logic and reasoning problems, while Lisp is used for problems with rapid prototyping needs.

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What does SNOBOL stand for?

For the cleaning product, see SnoBol (cleaner). SNOBOL (“StriNg Oriented and symBOlic Language”) is a series of programming languages developed between 1962 and 1967 at AT Bell Laboratories by David J. Farber, Ralph E. Griswold and Ivan P. Polonsky, culminating in SNOBOL4.

What are SNOBOL4 patterns?

SNOBOL4 patterns are a type of object and admit various manipulations, much like later object-oriented languages such as JavaScript whose patterns are known as regular expressions.

What is the best free SNOBOL program for Windows?

Minnesota SNOBOL4, by Viktors Berstis, the closest PC implementation to the original IBM mainframe version (even including Fortran-like FORMAT statement support) is also free.

Are there any open source SNOBOL4 implementations?

Several implementations are currently available. Macro SNOBOL4 in C written by Phil Budne is a free, open source implementation, capable of running on almost any platform.