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What is the molecular weight of fat in Dalton?

What is the molecular weight of fat in Dalton?

For nucleic acids, the building block is a nucleotide. A nucleotide has three chemically distinct components. One is a heterocyclic compound, the second is a monosaccharide and the third a phosphoric acid or phosphate.

Why does lipid considered as a macromolecule even though its molecular weight is less than 10000 Dalton?

Macromolecules are those biomolecules which have a molecular weight less than 10,000 Dalton (Da). Though lipids have a molecular weight of less than 800 Da, they are classified as biomacromolecules because of their acid insoluble property.

What is the molecular weight of lipids?

Lipids are considered to be macromolecules, though they have a molecular weight less than 800 daltons.

What is the weight range of macromolecules in Dalton?

Bio macromolecules have molecular weights ranging from 18 to around 800 daltons (Da) approximately.

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What is a Dalton in biology?

Measure of molecular weight or molecular mass. One molecular hydrogen molecular atom has molecular mass of 1 Da, so 1 Da = 1 g/mol. Proteins and other molecular macromolecule molecular weights are usually measured in molecular kDa or kD (kilodaltons) – 1000 Da.

What is the molecular weight of bio micro molecule?

Micro-biomolecules (small molecules)-: such as primary metabolites, secondary metabolites, and natural products. is a low molecular weight (<900 daltons) organic compound. with a size on the order of 10−9 m.

Why do lipids have low molecular weight?

Lipids are considered as macromolecules of the having weight less than 800 Dalton because they are not soluble in tri chloro acetic acid and are not formed by polymerization like other macromolecules .. but get separated with other macromolecules as they are insoluble therefore lipids are macromolecules although …

Which is not polymeric and has molecular weight less than 800 Dalton?

The lipid molecules have less molecular weight than 800 Da.

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What is the difference between dalton and molecular weight?

That is, the molar mass of a chemical compound was meant to be numerically equal to its average molecular mass. For example, the average mass of one molecule of water is about 18.0153 daltons, and one mole of water is about 18.0153 grams….Dalton (unit)

dalton (unified atomic mass unit)
me 1822.888486209(53)
MeV/c2 931.49410242(28)

What are micro and macro molecules?

Micromolecules are relatively small molecules that are combined together to form a macromolecule. Unlike micromolecules, macromolecules are relatively larger molecules with a high molecular weight. Macromolecules are made up of small micromolecules known as monomers bonded together.