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Which is easier to get PR Canada or Australia?

Which is easier to get PR Canada or Australia?

Compared to most other countries, getting PR in Canada is very easy. Getting a permanent residency permit to Australia is possible but it is a long process. The immigration officials conduct a thorough background check on the candidate to make sure s/he is not fraudulent.

Which country gives PR quickly?

List of Immigration Friendly Countries

S.No. Name of Country
1. Canada
2. Australia
3. New Zealand
4. Singapore

Which countries provide PR?

The following countries currently offer migration:

  • Australia.
  • Canada.
  • Denmark.
  • Germany.
  • Hong Kong.
  • New Zealand.
  • Ireland.
  • UK.

Should immigrants choose Canada or Australia for permanent residence?

Immigrants are often perplexed about which country to opt for their permanent residence because Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are more or less the same and have a similar immigration process.

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Which countries are best for permanent residency?

If you are looking for permanent residency, Canada is a good place to head for. You can apply for Australian citizenship after you have physically lived in the country as a temporary or permanent resident. The cumulative count of three out of the past four years is essential. You may also have to demonstrate a job record to be eligible.

Is it easier to get a PR in Canada or Australia?

At the moment, getting a PR in Canada is much easier than getting a PR in Australia. When it comes to immigration, the rules are more flexible in Canada as compared to Australia. Apart from all these things, both the countries are on the same page when it comes to the point-system.

How long does it take to get permanent residency in Australia?

Permanent Residency is a long drawn process in all three countries. In New Zealand it could take you up to 5 years before your application is considered for Permanent Residency. In Canada it is similarly- time framed. In Australia it will take much longer to get that PR.