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Why restriction enzyme cut the strand of DNA a little away from the Centre of palindrome site?

Why restriction enzyme cut the strand of DNA a little away from the Centre of palindrome site?

Video Solution: Assertion : Restriction enzymes cut the strand of DNA a little away from the centre of the palindromic sites Reason: Restriction enzymes cut the strads of DNA between the same two bases on the opposite strand. ∗ Restriction enzymes cut the strands of DNA between the same two base on the opposite strand.

What is the purpose of restriction enzymes how do they cut the DNA sequence?

The restriction enzyme prevents replication of the phage DNA by cutting it into many pieces. Restriction enzymes were named for their ability to restrict, or limit, the number of strains of bacteriophage that can infect a bacterium.

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What is it called when restriction enzymes cut the DNA with overhanging ends?

After digestion of a DNA with certain restriction enzymes, the ends left have one strand overhanging the other to form a short (typically 4 nt) single-stranded segment. This overhang will easily re-attach to other ends like it, and are thus known as “sticky ends”.

What is a restriction enzyme cut site?

A restriction enzyme is a DNA-cutting enzyme that recognizes specific sites in DNA. Many restriction enzymes make staggered cuts at or near their recognition sites, producing ends with a single-stranded overhang. If two DNA molecules have matching ends, they can be joined by the enzyme DNA ligase.

What is the significance of cutting at palindrome?

A palindromic sequence is the same backwards and forwards on both sides (see image below). This means that the enzyme recognizes the sequence no matter from which side the enzyme approaches the DNA. A palindromic sequence also increases the chance that both strands of DNA are cut.

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When the plasmid and the foreign DNA are cut by the same restriction endonuclease a recombinant DNA can be formed by joining both by?

DNA ligases (genetic gum) aare used in recombinant DNA technology to join two individual fragments of double-stranded DNA by forming phosphodiester bonds between them to produce a recombinant DNA (plasmid).

How do you cut restriction enzymes?

When a restriction enzyme finds its restriction site or target sequence (usually a sequence of 4 to 8 nucleotides), it will stop and cleave the DNA molecule (i.e., enzyme digestion). Since the recognition sequence is usually found on both strands (but running in opposite directions), the enzyme will cut both strands.

Which restriction enzymes make blunts cut?

HaeIII and AluI cut straight across the double helix producing “blunt” ends.

Which DNA sequence could be cut by restriction enzymes?

Today, scientists recognize three categories of restriction enzymes: type I, which recognize specific DNA sequences but make their cut at seemingly random sites that can be as far as 1,000 base pairs away from the recognition site; type II, which recognize and cut directly within the recognition site; and type III.