
Do we need NOC for driving license?

Do we need NOC for driving license?

The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced that all residents in the emirate are allowed to open a file to obtain a licence to drive vehicles or motorcycles without the need for employer’s no-objection certificate.

Can I renew my DL anywhere in India?

According to a notification issued by the transport department of state government, a person can not only renew driving license at any RTO but can also make changes in his name. However, in cases where data is not available, the person will have to contact the home RTO to get the driving licenses renewed.

What is issue of NOC in driving licence?

A No Objection Certificate (NOC) is a legal document issued from the regional RTO for re-registration of a vehicle from one state to another. An NOC is an essential document that certifies that there are no dues of tax on the vehicle.

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Can I renew my license in another province?

The motor vehicle licence renewal service is currently available in all provinces except the Western Cape, where it will be introduced soon,” the post office said.

How do I write a letter requesting NOC for driving Licence?

I am writing this letter to request a no-objection certificate for a driving license. I have finally completed my training and there’s a requirement of a no-objection certificate. I hope you will provide me with it as soon as possible because I have to submit it on an urgent basis in _____ (no. of days) days.

Can I make DL in another state?

If the license is registered with the hometown state, then all the legal formalities concerning the license will be followed up in that state. The change of address is simple. You have to submit an application for a name or address change at the RTO office. You can collect the required forms from your RTO office.

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What documents do I need to renew my car Licence?

What you need to renew your car licence disc

  1. ID book.
  2. Motor vehicle licence renewal notice (MVL2)
  3. Licensing fees (usually only in cash)
  4. Proof of postal and physical address (utilities account only)

Can I renew my car Licence at Checkers?

Can I renew my car license at Checkers? Soon you will be able to renew your car license at all Checkers, Checkers Hyper, Usave and Shoprite outlets in Gauteng, with other provinces to follow.