
Was the Tommy gun effective?

Was the Tommy gun effective?

Like previous versions, one major disadvantage of the M1 was the effective range of its . 45 ACP pistol caliber, which limited it to 200 yards. And it had a greater effective range. But despite its relatively short service life, the Thompson is still recognized today as the iconic submachine gun.

How was the Thompson submachine gun used in ww2?

The Thompson was used in World War II in the hands of Allied troops as a weapon for scouts, non-commissioned officers (corporal, sergeant, and higher), and patrol leaders, as well as commissioned officers, tank crewmen, and soldiers performing raids on German positions.

Were Thompson machine guns used in ww2?

The U.S. Army adopted the Thompson submachine gun in 1928. Both the U.S. and British armies used it in World War II, as at various times have other armed forces.

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Was the Thompson submachine gun used in ww1?

It was popular among soldiers, police, and civilians alike. It was invented by Brigadier General John T. Thompson at the end of World War I as a “trench-boom” weapon, or a weapon that could clear out trenches very quickly. The war ended before the submachine gun could be used in battle.

Who made the Tommy gun?

Auto-Ordnance Company
John T. Thompson
Thompson submachine gun/Inventors

How does a Thompson machine gun work?

The Thompson used a small bronze H-shaped block which fitted into the gun’s steel bolt. According to the Blish Principle, this would slow the bolt’s recoil. When the trigger was pulled, the bolt was released, slamming into the breech. That ignited the round in the chamber and fired the gun.

Why is it called a sub machine gun?

The term “submachine gun” was coined by John T. Thompson, the inventor of the Thompson submachine gun, to describe its design concept as an automatic firearm with notably less firepower than a machine gun (hence the prefix “sub-“). After the war, new SMG designs appeared frequently.

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What was the most used gun in World War 2?

M1 Garand. The first semi-automatic rifle to be used in active military service.

  • Thompson SMG. There are two notable variations of the Thompson.
  • Karabiner 98k.
  • M1 Carbine.
  • MG42.
  • M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) Built for the purpose of being used for ‘walking fire,’ a tactic used in WW1.
  • Colt M1911.
  • Lee-Enfield.
  • MP40.
  • Luger PO8.
  • What guns did the US use in World War 2?

    Fusante No.1 (F-1) M1 (Bazooka) / (2.36-inch Rocket Launcher M1) M1 Garand (United States Rifle, Caliber .30, M1) M2 4.2-inch (Goon Gun) M9 (Bazooka) / (2.36-inch Rocket Launcher M9) No. 82 Grenade (Gammon Bomb) Vickers Machine Gun (Gun, Machine, Vickers, .303in, Mk 1)

    What was the most common German pistol World War 2?

    Practically every major combatant nation of the war had them, and their influence remains evident even today. While the Germans suffered from a deplorable lack of standardization during World War II, the most common German SMG of the war was the iconic 9mm MP40.

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    What guns did the Marines use during World War 2?

    Both M1912 and M1923 magazine pouches were widely issued during World War II. While the M1 Carbine was developed in 1941 primarily as a replacement for the M1911 and M1911A1, the carbine never totally replaced the handgun in service. It was not uncommon for soldiers and Marines to be armed with both carbines and .45 pistols .