
What can I do with old engineering textbooks?

What can I do with old engineering textbooks?

12 Ways to Recycle Old Textbooks

  • Sell your books: This is probably the first thing you’re going to think of.
  • Donate your books: There will always be someone else who needs the book you once used.
  • Ship your books:
  • Recycle your books:
  • Trade your books:
  • Make a free book box:
  • Decorate with books:
  • Rent books:

Where can I donate old educational books?

London Charity Shops That Take Book Donations

  • London Children’s Book Project. The books donated to this foundation are cleaned and sorted by age and topic before being distributed to their partner organisations.
  • Books for London. This one is pretty cool.
  • Octavia Foundation.
  • British Heart Foundation.
  • Oxfam.
  • Fara Charity Shops.

How do you recycle old technical books?

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If you are in California, you can recycle your books at Recycle Bookstore West or Recycle Bookstore. You can also check out the Where to Recycle Map to find the nearest recycling center in your area.

How do you dispose of books during lockdown?

If there’s no way you can sell or give away your books, contact your local council or recycling centre and ask if they can do anything to help recycle your books. Don’t throw them in your recycling bin; they need a specialist recycler to look at them to judge whether they’re recyclable.

What to do with old children’s books?

What to do with old or unwanted children’s books

  • Give them to a Little Free Library.
  • Donate to your school library.
  • Donate to a nonprofit.
  • Give to friends with younger kids.
  • Hold a book swap.
  • Try an online book exchange.
  • Save your favorites.
  • A last resort-recycle them.

Can you throw books away?

For paperback books, you can recycle the book whole, including the binding. If either your books or magazines have gotten wet or the paper has turned tan or brown, they should be thrown away with your household trash, as there is no recycling market for this material.

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What do you do with old school exercise books?

HAVE YOU KEPT YOUR OLD SCHOOL EXERCISE BOOKS OR MAYBE THOSE OF YOUR PARENTS OR GRANDPARENTS? You can make them become part of the Exercise Book Archive by donating or lending them.