
What will happen with the stack pointer if we push the data into the stack?

What will happen with the stack pointer if we push the data into the stack?

When a new data item is entered or “pushed” onto the top of a stack, the stack pointer increments to the next physical memory address, and the new item is copied to that address.

When we push data onto the stack stack is?

Explanation: The data is pushed into the stack while loading the stack. Explanation: The data retrieved from stack is called popping off. Explanation: If the books are arranged one on the other, then the book that is placed last will be the first out.

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What is the value of stack pointer after running the push instruction?

The stack pointer is left referring to a free byte, so the value just pushed is accessible at SP + 1.

Which instructions are used for push operation in stack?

To push a value to the stack, the PUSH instruction is used. To pop a value from the stack, the POP instruction is used. These first instruction shall push the value stored in AX (16-bit register) to the stack. This is done by subtracting a value of 2 (2 bytes) from SP.

What are push and pull operations when talking about the stack pointer?

The push operation stores the contents of another register on the stack and then moves the stack pointer on by one. The pop, sometimes called “pull”, operation just reverses the push operation – it moves the pointer back by one and then retrieves the value from the stack.

Which of the following is stack instruction?

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Answer: In a stack, push, pop instruction are used. Stack is amount of program (RAM) memory normally allocated at the top of CPU memory heap and grow (at push instruction the stack pointer is decreased) in opposite direction. A standard term for inserting into stack is push and for remove from stack is pop.

Which of the following is true about stack pointer?

Which of the following is true about stack pointer? Explanation: Stack pointer is initialized before stack operation, it is a 16-bit register that stores data temporarily. It follows a LIFO operation. So, it contains the address of the top of the stack memory.

What does the stack pointer point to?

The stack pointer always points to the item that is currently at the top of the stack. A push operation pre-decrements the stack pointer before storing an item on the stack.

Does push move the stack pointer?

“push” and “pop” are implemented using the “stack pointer” to point to the most recently pushed value. On x86, the stack pointer is stored in the register called “rsp” (Register: Stack Pointer)….The Stack Pointer.

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Address Contents
reserved stack data (main’s variables)
0xfff…fff “high memory”