
Which is more conductive n-type or p-type semiconductor?

Which is more conductive n-type or p-type semiconductor?

That free electrons will be responsible for conduction in n-type material and moreover that electrons has high mobility compared to holes so that even though p-type material has more number of holes, it gives less conductivity compared to n-type material.

Why is conductivity of n-type semiconductor more than p-type?

The majority charge carriers are the free electrons in the n-type semiconductors whereas these are the holes in p-type semiconductor. As free electrons have more mobility than holes, therefore, n-type semiconductor has higher conductivity than that of p-type semiconductor.

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Which is better conductor n-type or p-type?

Since the minority carriers are electrons and holes in p-type and n-type semiconductors, respectively, the order of increase in electron density in p-type semiconductor and hole density in n-type one are more sensible than increase in hole density in p-type semiconductor and electron density in n-type one, respectively …

Which type of semiconductor has higher conductivity?

Pure semiconductor crystals are not particularly good electrical conductors, although their conductivities are much greater than those of insulators (Table 1)….Electrical Conduction in Semiconductors.

Material Resistivity (Ω-cm) Conductivity (Ω-1-cm-1)
Aluminum 2.65 x 10-8 3.77 × 107

What is the difference between p-type and n-type semiconductors?

The basic difference between P-type and N-type semiconductors is that In an n-type semiconductor, there is an excess of negatively charged carriers. In a p-type semiconductor, there is an excess of positively charged carriers (holes, which can be thought of as the absence of an electron).

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Why is the conductivity of doped n-type semiconductor higher than that of pure semiconductor?

n-type semiconductor contains an increased number of electrons in the conduction band. Therefore, Si doped with P has more number of electrons in the conduction band than those in the conduction band in pure Si. Thus, the conductivity of Si-doped with P is higher than that of pure Si.

Why is N-type more preferred than p-type materials?

since electron has high mobility compared to hole, conductivity of n-type semiconductor material is greater than p-type semiconductor. In fact we can’t say easily which one is better, cause by only combining those two materials(diode), we can use it for our applications.

How do n-type semiconductors increase conductivity?

Doping is the process where semiconductors increase their electrical conductivity by introducing atoms of different elements into their lattice. where n is the electron concentration, p is the hole concentration, andni is the intrinsic carrier concentration (the concentration had the semiconductor not been doped).

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What is semiconductor explain p-type and n-type semiconductor?

The majority carriers in a p-type semiconductor are holes. In an n-type semiconductor, pentavalent impurity from the V group is added to the pure semiconductor. The pentavalent impurities provide extra electrons and are termed as donor atoms. Electrons are the majority charge carriers in n-type semiconductors.

What are p-type and n-type semiconductor materials?

p-type and n-type materials are simply semiconductors, such as silicon (Si) or germanium (Ge), with atomic impurities; the type of impurity present determines the type of the semiconductor.