
Who makes more sonographers or nurses?

Who makes more sonographers or nurses?

The wages of both professions are very close by this measure, but ultrasound techs have a higher median income. The median salary of registered nurses in 2012 was $65,470 annually, according to the BLS, while that of ultrasound techs was $65,860.

Is sonography more competitive than nursing?

To become a sonographer, you’ll need to obtain an Associate degree, which includes two years of study. Yet, to become a Registered Nurse, you’ll need to attend a two-year Associate program. Due to these requirements, a sonography program might be a bit more challenging than a CNA program.

Is sonography a low stress job?

Diagnostic medical sonographer was rated as the least stressful job. The position involves using medical imaging equipment like ultrasound machines.

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Why is sonography a good career?

If you’re interested in a career in diagnostic imaging, sonography is a great career choice because it’s safe, non-invasive, and low-risk. As opposed to other career paths in this line of medicine, sonographers and their patients aren’t exposed to harmful radiation day after day.

What are the disadvantages of being a sonographer?

The job can be physically and mentally taxing.

  • You may be on your feet during most of the workday.
  • You’ll have to move heavy equipment.
  • You may encounter patients that are stressed out or have high anxiety.
  • You have an irregular work schedule or have to work nights and weekends.
  • The certification process is rigorous.
  • Why do people choose sonography as a career?

    Is sonography a stable job?

    According to U.S. News and Money, the sonography profession was rated as the #5 Best Health Support Jobs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 19.5 percent employment growth for diagnostic medical sonographers within the next ten years. Despite this, sonographers have reported that their profession is rewarding.