
Why is it important for farmers to know the seasons?

Why is it important for farmers to know the seasons?

Now, when farmers have an insight into an abundance of farming seasons across the world, they are able to better manage their farm production. Not only knowledge of growing seasons helps farmers manage their production but also using modern farming tools such as farm management software Agrivi.

Which season is important for farmers?

Late September to early December is the time where farmers get to see the reward of the growing season. Harvest starts in mid-September, and most do not understand all the work that goes into harvest. Making sure that all crops are dry is the most important. This is important for storage reasons.

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Why is climate important to farmers?

It also affects plants’ phenological growth (phases in the plant’s development which require certain thresholds of sunlight, heat and moisture) and physical growth, as well as animal growth and exposure to pests and diseases. Ultimately it contributes directly to yield.

Why all seasons are important?

Seasons have an enormous influence on vegetation and plant growth. Winter typically has cold weather, little daylight, and limited plant growth. In spring, plants sprout, tree leaves unfurl, and flowers blossom. Summer is the warmest time of the year and has the most daylight, so plants grow quickly.

What is seasonal farming?

Seasonal Vegetables Different vegetable grows in a different environment. Some vegetables need warm temperature and some of them need cold temperature. For example, cauliflower only grows in a winter season. The seasonal vegetables is grown in the natural cycle of seasons when they are most suitable.

How do monsoons help farmers?

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Monsoon’s effects on Indian farmers Most of the Indian agricultural land is irrigated by the southwest monsoon. Crops such as wheat, rice, pulses, which are a staple in Indian diets, need heavy rainfalls to grow. Monsoon also helps keep the underground water table in check.

Which is the Favourite season of farmers and why?

Why is spring important for the farmers? Spring is important for the farmers because they harvest rabi crops that were sown in winters.

How does climate influence agriculture?

Climate change can affect agriculture in a variety of ways. Beyond a certain range of temperatures, warming tends to reduce yields because crops speed through their develop- ment, producing less grain in the process. And higher tem- peratures also interfere with the ability of plants to get and use moisture.

How does climate affect agricultural production?

Extreme climatic events such as flooding, extreme heat, and drought has led to soil degradation which results in low crop yields. Decline in agricultural productivity discourages the farmers and may lead to change in livelihood especially in the rural settings.

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Why are seasons important to humans?

Seasons affect many parts of daily life. Climate, weather and the change of the seasons affect much of what we do each day. The change of seasons allows for many different types of work, food, celebrations and recreation. Plants and animals also change their ways with the seasons.