
Does MongoDB use quorum?

Does MongoDB use quorum?

The quorum requirement in MongoDB replication is designed to avoid that: a primary can only be elected (or sustained) in a partition that has a majority of configured voting members available.

Is MongoDB single master?

MongoDB can be set up in a way that there is no single point of failure (at least none specific to MongoDB). When you set up replication as suggested (which includes primary, secondary and an arbiter on a 3rd server), the secondary will take the role of the primary when it goes down.

How does MongoDB ensure high availability?

How does MongoDB ensure high availability? MongoDB automatically maintains replica sets, multiple copies of data that are distributed across servers, racks and data centers. Replica sets help prevent database downtime using native replication and automatic failover.

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Why MongoDB is Schemaless?

Is MongoDB schemaless? As a NoSQL database, MongoDB is considered schemaless because it does not require a rigid, pre-defined schema like a relational database. The applications you use to leverage data stored in MongoDB will enforce a much stricter dynamically typed schema as documents are read from the database.

Which of the following is a drawback of MongoDB?

One of the downsides of MongoDB is that it doesn’t support transactions. Though fewer and fewer applications are requiring transactions, there are still some that need transactions in order to update multiple documents/collections. If that’s a necessary function for your team, MongoDB should not be used.

Which elements are allowed for voting in MongoDB?

Voting Members

  • STARTUP2 (unless the member was newly added to the replica set)

Can MongoDB have multiple master nodes?

No MongoDB is single master only. The only way to create two separate replicas like this currently while keeping them in sync is to do it manually but that is not advised.

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Does MongoDB use crud?

Regardless of why you are using a MongoDB server, you’ll need to perform CRUD operations on it. The basic methods of interacting with a MongoDB server are called CRUD operations. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These CRUD methods are the primary ways you will manage the data in your databases.

What are the limitations of MongoDB?

Disadvantages of MongoDB There are a few disadvantages of the MongoDB NoSQL database as well. MongoDB uses high memory for data storage. There is a limit for document size, i.e. 16mb. There is no transaction support in MongoDB.

What is splitting in MongoDB and how does it work?

Splitting is a process that keeps chunks from growing too large. When a chunk grows beyond a specified chunk size, or if the number of documents in the chunk exceeds Maximum Number of Documents Per Chunk to Migrate, MongoDB splits the chunk based on the shard key values the chunk represent.

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What are mirrored reads in MongoDB?

Starting in version 4.4, MongoDB provides mirrored reads to pre-warm electable secondary members’ cache with the most recently accessed data. With mirrored reads, the primary can mirror a subset of operations that it receives and send them to a subset of electable secondaries.

How to run multiple instances of MongoDB on the same port?

In these files you may want to provide dbpath, logpath folders, bind_ip, port and pidfilepath specific to each mongod instance and that will not affect each other. You just need to create another folder (ex: mongodb2) dbpath for the second instance, and run it in different port (ex: 27018)

What’s new in MongoDB version 4?

Changed in version 4.0: MongoDB 4.0 removes the deprecated replication protocol version 0. Replication protocolVersion: 1 reduces replica set failover time and accelerate the detection of multiple simultaneous primaries.