
How do I copy a chart from one Excel spreadsheet to another?

How do I copy a chart from one Excel spreadsheet to another?

Select the Excel chart (single click) and then right click to choose Copy. Move to a different location in the same worksheet or add a new worksheet and then right click and choose Paste. This gives you an exact copy of the chart so it is linked to the original data range and has the same formatting.

How do I copy and paste a chart in Excel?

Save Time by Copy Pasting Graph/Chart Format in Excel

  1. Right-click on the chart whose formatting you want to copy and select copy (or select it and use the keyboard shortcut Control + C).
  2. Go to Home –> Clipboard –> Paste –> Paste Special.
  3. In the paste special dialog box, select Formats.
  4. Click OK.

How do I copy a chart from one workbook to another?

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To copy a chart to another worksheet in the same or a different workbook, right-click the chart and click Copy.

How do you copy an Excel chart into another workbook without links?

save workbook with new name > open newly named workbook > go to sheet you want to move > right click tab select move or copy > select “new book” when window opens > ok > new workbook with moved pg automatically opens > click on “data” at top of pg > under “connections” click “edit links > break link, ok, ok.

How do you copy graphs from one graph to another?

Steps to Copy Formatting from One Chart to Another First of all, right-click on the chart from which you want to copy the chart formatting. And, then click on the copy. After that, right-click on the other chart on which you want to apply/paste the formatting.

How do you copy and paste a graph?

To copy and paste a plot into another layer or another graph page:

  1. Click on the plot to select the plot. If the plot is part of a plot group, the entire plot group is selected.
  2. Press CTRL+C or click the Copy Plot button on the mini toolbar.
  3. Click on the target layer or graph window and press CTRL+V.
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How do I copy and paste a chart?

Shortcut to Copy Chart Formatting Just click on the chart you want to copy and use Ctrl + C to copy then select the other chart. In the end, use the shortcut key Alt + E + S to paste/apply the formatting.

How do I save a chart in Excel?

Save a custom chart as a template

  1. Right-click the chart, and select Save as Template.
  2. In the File name box, type an appropriate name for the chart template.
  3. Click Save. The chart template automatically appears in the Templates folder for charts.

How do I copy data series from one chart to another?

Click on the first chart to activate it, then click on any of the data series that make up the chart. You will see the data series become selected within the chart. Press “Ctrl” and “C” to copy the chart data. Even though you only selected one series, Excel will copy all of the chart data.

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How do I select a chart in Excel?

Excel offers you several chart types customized for your data. To select a recommended chart type, press the Down arrow key until you find the type you want, and then press Control+Option+Spacebar.

How do you replicate a chart in Excel?

Quickly copy chart formats in Excel

  1. Select the chart whose formats you want to copy.
  2. Go to Edit | Copy.
  3. Select one of the charts that you want to reformat.
  4. Go to Edit | Paste Special.
  5. Select Formats, and click OK.

How do I save a chart?

You can quickly copy your chart to another application, or save it as a separate image file.

  1. Click the chart that you want to save as a picture.
  2. Choose Copy from the ribbon, or press CTRL+C on your keyboard .
  3. Switch to the application you want to copy the chart to.