
What does a number in square brackets mean?

What does a number in square brackets mean?

A square bracket at one end of an interval indicates that the interval is closed at that end (i.e., the number adjacent to the opening or closing square bracket is included in the interval). …

How do you use square brackets in a sentence?

Writers use square brackets either to insert an explanation into a quotation or to alter a quotation’s text. The purpose of square brackets is show readers that the explanation or alteration is not the work of the original author. For example: She said: “If I can’t keep her [her horse], I’ll scream the house down!”

What are the little numbers at the end of some sentences called?

Those little dots often found in a sentence or quote are called an ellipsis. The term ellipsis comes from the Greek word meaning ‘omission,’ and that’s just what it does: an ellipsis shows that something has been left out.

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What are [] used for?

Brackets are symbols that we use to contain “extra information”, or information that is not part of the main content. There are two main types of bracket: round () and square []. …

What do square brackets mean in physics?

Physicists often use square brackets around the symbol for a physical quantity to represent the dimensions of that quantity. For example, if r is the radius of a cylinder and h is its height, then we write [r]=L and [h]=L to indicate the dimensions of the radius and height are both those of length, or L.

What do square brackets mean in chemistry?

The symbol for molarity is M or moles/liter. Chemists also use square brackets to indicate a reference to the molarity of a substance. For example, the expression [Ag+] refers to the molarity of the silver ion in solution.

How do you do brackets in brackets?

Use brackets inside parentheses to create a double enclosure in the text. Avoid parentheses within parentheses, or nested parentheses. Correct: (We also administered the Beck Depression Inventory [BDI; Beck, Steer, & Garbin, 1988], but those results are not reported here.)

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What do numbers in brackets mean in books?

Most of the time a bracket or parenthesis on a Balance Sheet means that that particular figure is a negative number.

What are the numbers next to words called?

When you compose a document and need either a subscript or a superscript – the little numbers you put beside words to indicate a footnote or by numbers for exponents – Microsoft Word gives you three different approaches.

What is this symbol called ()?

This table contains special characters.

Symbol Name of the symbol Similar glyphs or concepts
[ ], { } Brackets Angle bracket, Parenthesis
Bullet Interpunct
‸ ⁁ ⎀ Caret Circumflex (Freestanding circumflex is sometimes called a caret)
⟨ ⟩ Chevron (non-standard name) (‘Chevron’ is an alias for Angle bracket)

What are these <> called?

They’re also called “Guillemets” if they’re a pair like this “››” and sometimes they’re called “double-angle brackets” or “angle bracket” if there’s only one. They’re also referred to as “quotation marks” (i.e. ‹‹like this››) because that’s what guillemets means in French.