
What does sit with your thoughts mean?

What does sit with your thoughts mean?

When we ask somebody to “sit with” some aspect of their experience such as an emotion, a thought, or physical sensation what we are encouraging our client to do is simply to observe, or notice, what is going on in their window of consciousness while attempting to not react to it.

What is it called when you hold your emotions in?

To bottle up your emotions means suppressing your innermost feelings. It is when you avoid venting out what you really feel. There is the fear that you may appear weak, or you just prefer keeping your emotions to yourself, which is common.

What is it called when someone can feel your feelings?

An empath is a person highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of those around them.

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What does it mean to sit with it?

Selected answer:take a moment to reflect/think about it. Explanation: the phrase ‘sit with it’ is not a set expression but it is being used in contrast to the phrase ‘run with it’ which would imply that you take full advantage of a situation without taking any time to reflect on the possible outcome.

What does it mean to sit with your anxiety?

Sit with the anxiety. “When you allow yourself to feel the anxiety without resistance, you may find it’s not as intolerable as you think, and you may even learn more about the root of your anxiety,” Howes said. Hibbert also encouraged readers to remember that anxiety is just another emotion.

What does it mean to sit with discomfort?

Sitting with your discomfort is simply allowing yourself to be comfortable with discomfort, to sit through difficult feelings sometimes without feeling the need to rail against them.

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Why do I feel other people’s emotions?

Some people, known as empaths, have such high empathy that they seem to take on the feelings of others. If you’re an empath, you might find yourself absorbing the emotions of those around you. When they experience joy, you get caught up in their happiness.

What does sit well with mean?

to be something that you agree or are pleased with: Their decision/answer didn’t sit well with the Board of Directors. Suitable and acceptable. able.

Can I sit with you meaning?

— phrasal verb with sit verb. us. /sɪt/ to be considered by someone: When someone calls you “a woman of letters,” how does that sit with you?

Are You struggling with your emotions?

Struggling with your emotions often leads to more suffering. Trying to fight our feelings often leads to more suffering. Using negative behaviors to try to numb our feelings is akin to putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound. They might make you feel better temporarily, but these behaviors do not “fix” the underlying problem.

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Why is it important to process your feelings?

Processing and experiencing your feelings is part of having a full life. Anyone in the throes of an eating disorder, addiction, workaholism, or sex addiction can tell you that constantly trying to run from your emotions is exhausting.

Why are emotions important in our life?

No feeling lasts forever; anger and sadness are necessary, helpful parts of the human experience. Additionally, all of our emotions contain gifts and help us grow as people. 2. Struggling with your emotions often leads to more suffering. Trying to fight our feelings often leads to more suffering.

Are negative behaviors hurting your emotions?

Using negative behaviors to avoid your feelings may help you experience less sadness and anger, but they also stop you from feeling happiness and joy. Part of the amazing thing about being human is that we are able to have a range of emotions. Experiencing sadness and hurt is part of what makes it so incredible to feel joy and happiness.