
Where does PHP code go?

Where does PHP code go?

A PHP script can be placed anywhere in the document. The default file extension for PHP files is ” .php “. A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, and some PHP scripting code.

Does PHP go before or after HTML?

Add your php code before the html code. This allows you to change the out type, set requied variables, add http response headers if you require, etc. You can have a lot of php embeded tags in between the html.

Can you put PHP in head?

4 Answers. No, storing PHP variables in the head is not the proper way to do it. In fact, when you do this, your variables are NOT stored inside the head, PHP is server side, HTML/CSS/Javascript are client side. You want to store your variables before there is even any HTML that is outputted.

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Does PHP execute in order?

When PHP reads a file, it compiles it to bytecode (compile time), then executes it (execution time / runtime). Unconditional function declarations are read at compile time, so that functions are already known when your code is executed.

How does PHP compile?

PHP is compiled down to an intermediate bytecode that is then interpreted by the runtime engine. The PHP compiler’s job is to parse your PHP code and convert it into a form suitable for the runtime engine.

How does PHP stages work?

PHP is an interpreted language. This means that you will write code statements (lines of code) and when a page is requested, the PHP interpreter will load your PHP code, parse it and then execute it. This differs from other languages, such as Java or C#, where the source code is compiled and then executed.

How do I start PHP?

You need two things to get started: a development environment to run your PHP scripts and a code editor to write the code.

  1. Install a local development environment. PHP is a scripting language.
  2. Install a code editor. A code editor is basically an advanced text editor that helps you writing your code.
  3. Start coding.